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Nicolas Pupier

Student in engineering, then urban planning... I like to evolve in different environments (by travelling, meeting people, sharing views and ideas, speaking various languages...)


Rio+20 : du développement durable à l’économie verte, quels enjeux ? Quelle alternative ? The Freegan Establishment. “It has a beautiful backyard with a lot of blackberry bushes!”

The Freegan Establishment

Kit told me. It was a three-story house, he explained, and the first floor alone had 1,224 square feet. Kit had researched the house online, and he knew that the place had four bedrooms, two full bathrooms and two kitchens. “It’s totally stunning,” he gushed. Appel du Conseil National de la Résistance.

Démocratie & Libertés

Architecture & Urbanisme. Campagne présidentielle 2012. Economie. Transports. Intérêts divers. Vidéos Pearltrees. Démarrer. Erasmus en terre suédoise.