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What Is Your Happy Word? Moyamoya disease. Moyamoya syndrome is a disease in which certain arteries in the brain are constricted. Blood flow is blocked by the constriction, and also by blood clots (thrombosis).[1] A collateral circulation develops around the blocked vessels to compensate for the blockage, but the collateral vessels are small, weak, and prone to hemorrhage, aneurysm and thrombosis. On X-rays, these collateral vessels have the appearance of a "puff of smoke" ("もやもや (moyamoya)" in Japanese).[1] Etiology[edit] The condition is believed to be hereditary and linked to q25.3, on chromosome 17 [1]. Moyamoya can be either congenital or acquired. Pathophysiology[edit] The disease Moyamoya appears to look like a "puff of smoke" because the arteries are thinned which makes the blood leak out of the arteries causing pressure to the brain resulting with headaches.

Once it begins, the process of blockage (vascular occlusion) tends to continue despite any known medical management. Diagnosis[edit] Treatment[edit] Prognosis[edit]

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Who Are You? Azure Dandelion, Heirloom Seeds and Folk Art. Gardening. Azure Dandelion, Heirloom Seeds and Folk Art. .facebook_-1462469693. Seed Soaking: Tips For Soaking Seeds Before Planting. By Heather Rhoades Soaking seeds before planting is an “old time” gardener’s trick that many new gardeners are not aware of. When you soak seeds before planting, you can significantly decrease the amount of time it takes for a seed to germinate. Let’s look at the reasons for soaking seeds and how to soak seeds. Reasons for Soaking Seeds What happens to seeds when you soak them? Why should you soak your seeds? The short answer is because your seeds were designed to be abused. Another reason is that, while Mother Nature actively assaults seeds, she also gave those seeds an internal gauge to help them know when they should grow. And lastly, for some types of seeds, they actually contain germination inhibitors that are designed to prevent a seed from germinating inside the fruit.

How to Soak Seed Before Planting Seed soaking, at a basic level needs two things: seeds and water. Take a small bowl and fill it with water from your tap, as hot as your tap will allow. True story. Cat in pool. Excited dog. Choc chip drops.