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Get Involved. Safe Horizon :: Anti-Trafficking Program. Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program Established in 2001, Safe Horizon’s Anti-Trafficking Program (ATP) is one of the largest service providers for survivors of human trafficking in the United States. The program’s services are open to women and men, transgender individuals, and children who have been compelled to work against their will. Human trafficking commonly occurs in areas such as domestic servitude, health care, manufacturing, construction, agriculture, food service, beauty salons, and the commercial sex industry. Since its founding, the Anti-Trafficking Program has assisted more than 500 survivors of human trafficking from over 60 countries. What is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is a gross violation of human rights. A Unique Approach Safe Horizon’s Anti-Trafficking Program maintains a two-tiered approach to fighting the epidemic of human trafficking.

Comprehensive Model of Service Delivery ATP Legal Services Survivor Leadership National Training and Technical Assistance. Family Justice Center. Is there someone in your life who is violent or controlling toward you? Have you ever been sexually assaulted by either a stranger or someone you know? Are you concerned that your child may have been abused? Whether you are looking for assistance with navigating the legal system and understanding your rights as a victim, trying to find out whether your child has been harmed and by whom, or seeking the support necessary to stay safe and start anew, the Family Justice Center (FJC) of Boston is here for you. At the FJC, a program of the Boston Public Health Commission, you can talk about your experiences and get the help you need. All services are free, and childcare is provided during your visit. The FJC has many on-site partners available to assist individuals and families affected by domestic abuse, sexual violence or exploitation, including the Boston Police Department’s Family Justice Group, which includes the following units: Crimes Against Children Unit (CACU) Sexual Assault Unit (SAU)

What is Abuse? Finex House - A Massachusetts shelter for battered women and their children. “It is the most common violent crime in the World” Abuse, the occurrence of one or more of the following acts between family or household members: (a) attempting or causing physical harm; (b) placing another in fear of imminent serious physical harm; (c) causing another to engage involuntarily in sexual relations by force, threat or duress. Abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual and financial. Every nine seconds a woman is battered in the United States. One half of all homeless people are escaping from domestic violence.

One third of women are physically abused during pregnancy. Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of injury to unborn children. Battering tends to increase and become more violent over time. Over 50% of all murdered women die as a result of domestic violence. A. Many battered women have alienated their friends because the batterer would not allow them to visit. B. C. There are many similar types of abuse that all battered women deal with. D. F. G. H. J. L. Somaly Mam Foundation. Human Trafficking in the US, A Growing Problem - Epoch Times | Operation SafeHouse. Nonprofit (Boston): Correlates of Human Trafficking Project. Boston Film Forum: Putting Human Trafficking in the Spotlight. From February 3rd to February 5th, the Boston Initiative To Advance Human Rights ( BITAHR) is organizing a film forum to raise awareness about the epidemic crisis of human trafficking and to promote the cause of the anti-trafficking movement.

Human trafficking victimizes millions of women and children worldwide, and should be considered modern day slavery. As a crime against basic human rights, human trafficking must be abolished, and BITAHR can be viewed as one of the major instigators of the abolitionist movement. BITAHR is a non-profit organization which ambitious goal is to eliminate commercial sexual exploitation. The event, Fighting Trafficking Through Film, organized in collaboration with The Suffolk University Law School, will be held at the Modern Theater at Suffolk University in Boston.

The three days forum will showcase domestic and foreign films about sex trafficking. BITAHR has also invited speakers to the international event. RM: Absolutely. RM: No. RM: It is true. Human Trafficking in Boston « healthy boston blog. By Anne Marie Delaney Did you know that human trafficking is a problem in Boston? In October, BPHC’s Family Justice Center launched a public awareness campaign to inform residents that commercial sexual exploitation (also called the sex trade) doesn’t just happen in faraway places.

You might have seen our posters in the T. We wanted to make sure that people in Boston know that human trafficking happens here in our city, in our neighborhoods. Our young people are being “recruited” and sold for sex by pimps and are being bought by johns. Unfortunately, this is a lucrative industry in Boston and the first step to combating it is to acknowledge that there is a problem. We need to remove the cloak of invisibility of the sex trade and continue developing protections and services for victims of sexual exploitation. In January, the city announced a policy shift that includes not prosecuting juveniles arrested for prostitution and instead offering those victims social service support.

Like this: United States of America NGO: International Institute of Boston. PETRA - Mreža NVO-a - Situation of trafficking and prostitution in Hungary. Presentation given by Andrea Matolcsi (MONA Foundation for the Women of Hungary) Conference organized by the Centre for Women War Victims, Croatia November 23, 2009, Zagreb Situation of trafficking and prostitution in Hungary in the areas of legislation, victim assistance, government efforts and mechanisms and representation in the media Background on MONA • MONA Foundation for the Women of Hungary is a gender equality NGO, founded in 1992. MONA is one of the founding members of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, which is a member of the European Women’s Lobby. • Among other gender equality issues, such as women in politics, women and the labor market and domestic/intimate partner violence, MONA also deals with trafficking and prostitution issues, mainly in terms of research and policy work.

Hungarian legislation on trafficking and prostitution • Trafficking has been criminalized in the Hungarian Penal Code since 1999. . • The law makes no connection with or reference to prostitution; Prostitution Research & Education Website. The SAGE Project. GEMS: Girls Educational & Mentoring Services. The Home for Little Wanderers: Kim's Project. Massachusetts.