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Lundi soir, la période idéale d'envoi ? - Performance de l'emailing. Using Facebook to Capture Customers - David Dorf - The Conversation. Brands put the thrill-factor in bubbly | Opinion. With Christmas just over a week away it’s time for any well-organised marketer to stop thinking about work and start thinking about the festive season ahead. And that means it’s time to talk champagne! The average British marketer will drink more than 84 bottles of the stuff over the Christmas and New Year holidays. OK, I made that last statistic up (it’s Christmas and our Marketing Week fact checkers are already on their holidays), but it is true that the challenge of picking the right bubbly is now upon us. Which? Not so fast Mr Hocking. Most British consumers don’t buy champagne for the taste, they buy it for the brand For economists and consumer advocates who generally detest brand equity and want to reduce the world down to bare basic truths - blind testing is the ultimate exposure of over-inflated pricing and the fallacy of brand image.

Let’s start with the most basic influence that brands have on consumer decision making: time saving. And let’s be honest, we need the help. Customer engagement improves brand profits | In-Depth Analysis. The State of the Blogosphere 2010. InShare410 The question we ask ourselves when examining the state of the blogosphere is whether or not the cup is half full or half empty? Personally, I believe the answer lies in the nature of circumstances. If drinking from the glass, it is then half empty. If pouring, it is half full. With the rise of Twitter, Posterous, Tumblr and other forms of micromedia, many believed that the glass was half empty. Today, 100 million Tweets flew across Twitter. On Facebook this month, the average user created 90 pieces of content and contributed to the more than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) collectively shared each month.

But blogging perseveres – as it should. The State of the Blogosphere 2010 Since 2004, Technorati has published its annual State of the Blogosphere report. To begin, let’s take a look at the residence of bloggers worldwide. Almost one-half of all bloggers reside in the United States with 29% blogging in Europe. Gender Age. Social networkers most influential in driving brand awareness. Online social "connectors", people who share opinions with their social network, have been found to trigger the most online brand impressions in Europe. Forrester Research has analysed the peer influence behaviours of online Europeans, based on a survey of 14,000 people in seven Western European countries. The report, called "Using Social Media To Create Mass Reach – The 2010 European Peer Influence Analysis", found that just 4% of online users in Europe are responsible for triggering 80% of "consumer brand influence impressions".

Forrester also found that only 11% of online adults in Europe create and trigger 80% of all the influence posts online. Between them, these two types of "European Mass Influencers" will have triggered more than 120 billion "influence impressions" about marketers' products, services, and brands in 2010.