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FabLab@School. FabLab@School is a growing network of educational digital fabrication labs that put cutting-edge technology for design and construction -- such as 3D printers and laser cutters -- into the hands of middle and high school students.


TLTL researchers have spent the last years developing low-cost tools, a curriculum, and a rigorous teacher-preparation program. The labs are the proving ground for much of the research going on in TLTL. While these days there are a few other fabrication labs in school settings, FabLab@School was the first program designed from the ground up specifically to serve grades 6-12. There are currently FL@S installations on the Stanford University campus, in Moscow (Russia), Bangkok (Thailand), and in Palo Alto, USA. Fab Foundation. The Fab Charter. What is a fab lab?

The Fab Charter

Fab labs are a global network of local labs, enabling invention by providing access to tools for digital fabrication What's in a fab lab? Fab Central. FabLab. A fab lab (fabrication laboratory) is a small-scale workshop offering (personal) digital fabrication.[1][2] A fab lab is generally equipped with an array of flexible computer controlled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make "almost anything".[3] This includes technology-enabled products generally perceived as limited to mass production.


While fab labs have yet to compete with mass production and its associated economies of scale in fabricating widely distributed products, they have already shown the potential to empower individuals to create smart devices for themselves. These devices can be tailored to local or personal needs in ways that are not practical or economical using mass production. History[edit] Popular equipment and projects[edit]

FabLab Italia