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Facebook Going Beyond The Like With Social NPS? Is Facebook finally going ‘beyond the like’ with Social NPS? Well NPS, that could be the bridge we all needed so badly. Buying likes on Facebook? That is what every brand with a budget can do. But does it add any value to the brand and business objectives? Or is having ‘the biggest’ just an ego booster for the CEO and CMO on the golf course? Industry experts (not self-proclaimed social gurus) know that still many digital / social managers get this message from their CMO: “Shut up, just buy me the likes.” Sad thing about that? The one and only really relevant question was and is: Would you recommend our company to a friend? That answer is not the number of Facebook likes you have bought, or bribed with an iPad. The truth lies in the good old Net Promoter Score or NPS. How to Calculate Your NPS Score? Most large brands have used NPS for years. NPS is based on the fundamental perspective that every company’s customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

Saman Shad: Has Facebook Turned Us Into Boring ‘Oversharers’? This article titled “Facebook, can I share something with you? It’s about our relationship” was written by Saman Shad, for Guardian Weekly on Thursday 4th October 2012 12.44 UTC It’s getting complicated, Facebook. A billion of us use you, but we are getting increasingly frustrated with you. It’s us, not you. You’ve made us change, and not in a good way. It used to be that a status update and the occasional photo was the most we’d share, and now, well now there are like, so many likes. And then there is you. Ah, who are we kidding? Let’s be honest here, Facebook. So where does that leave us, Facebook? You’re making this hard. It’s not going to happen though, is it?

There’s no denying it, we are hooked. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010. How Facebook Will Find Its Next Billion Users | Digital. Facebook Marketing Statistics You Need to Know. The internet and the evolution of big data have forever changed the way marketers do business. To advance your business, you need to stay up to date on current trends and continue to innovate.

A powerful and effective way to amplify your marketing mix and generate new business is social network marketing. Establishing a social media presence for your business is critical. What better place to establish or improve your social media presence than the major social network: Facebook? In order to succeed at social network marketing, you need access to high-quality, hard data and solid analysis and advice. 1. 42% of Marketers Say Facebook Is Important to Their Business.

Facebook is not only an important channel in the eyes of online marketers. 2. The percentage is likely to keep rising exponentially, as marketers learn more about how Facebook can help their businesses. 3. 62% of Markers Report that Social Media Became More Important to Their Marketing Campaigns in the Last 6 months. 4. 5. 7.

The World’s First Real-Time Facebook Cover Photo. What Facebook can tell us about Obama and Romney's supporters. Does Facebook Know You're Pregnant? | Digital. 5 Facebook Marketing Tips To Grow Your Fan Page. Creating a Facebook audience from scratch isn’t easy. Some big brands are able to get many Likes quickly due to large leverage in the media through standard Advertising and historical brand recognition. It is important to understand that leveraging your Facebook page isn’t merely about getting a lot of Likes. Cultivating an audience that is engaged, Loyal and shares should really be your goal if your page is going to affect the bottom line of your Business.

Most people will need to learn how Facebook works and how to grow an audience and increase engagement by understanding the following five factors. 1. The visual aspect will be the first thing people notice and will be an essential part of getting your fans or potential fans to stick around. 2. Relevant content is essential to your Facebook Marketing strategy. 3. 4. You need to have some strategy for getting people to view your Facebook Page, especially when you are just starting to build an audience. 5.

Connect: Authored by: RM Downey. Animer sa page Facebook grâce à un classement de fans. Cela fait un peu plus d’un an que j’utilise Agorapulse l’outil de gestion de page Facebook. Ce dernier, en plus de vous aider dans votre community management vous propose également des outils pour créer des applications sur votre page très facilement. Aujourd’hui, je vous propose de vous montrer comment créer une application de classement de fans pour inciter ces derniers à participer davantage sur votre page… Présentation de l’application top fan et de ses fonctionnalités… Vous pouvez voir ce que cela donne sur la page Facebook de Webmarketing & co’m via l’onglet Top Fan. L’application se présente de la sorte : Les possibilités de personnalisation de l’application sont nombreuses : Entête de l’application ;Message différents en fonction des différentes étapes : Message dédié pour les non fans ;Message de bienvenue pour les fans ;Message de remerciement (celui que vous voyez sur la copie d’écran) ;Picto pour l’onglet Facebook… Créer une application top fan pas à pas… 1 : Acquisition de fans.

Mitsubishi crée une application qui élimine vos amis facebook les plus prétentieux ! Why Brands Look Like People on Facebook. Créer une Communauté Engagée sur Facebook. Récapitulatif des dernières rumeurs de nouvelles fonctionnalités Facebook. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais recenser l’ensemble des rumeurs concernant l’arrivée de nouvelles fonctionnalités sur Facebook. A l’heure où le cours de l’action du 1er réseau social européen & américain est en baisse, quelles sont les actions possibles pouvant permettre de redonner confiance aux investisseurs, et donc de convaincre notamment sur sa capacité à engranger des bénéfices… 1) Le bouton Want Le bouton Want permettrait aux utilisateurs de pouvoir afficher de manière claire les produits/services qu’ils veulent acquérir.

Dans ce cadre, il n’est plus question du simple fait d’aimer une marque, mais clairement d’envoyer un signal fort aux annonceurs qui auront désormais la main sur une base de données particulièrement intéressante. Exemple : J’aime la marque « Apple » Très bien, on sait que je suis fan des produits de la marque à la pomme. En revanche, je « want » l’iPad. 2) Le bouton « Subscribe » sur la Fan Page Il pourrait permettre à l’utilisateur de suivre une marque sans en être fan. Utilisez les QR Codes pour augmenter le nombre de vos Fans Facebook – Walkcast Facebook [47. 9 Facebook Marketing Tips From Top Experts. Are you looking for creative ways to improve your Facebook marketing?

Facebook continues to be the social media platform of choice for many businesses. So we spoke with top Facebook experts to find out the hottest marketing tips businesses need to know today. #1: Leverage videos more effectively on Facebook with Open Graph Emeric Ernoult My hottest tip is for those who sell products or services on their websites and have Like buttons attached to them: Share videos, not just still images! Let me explain. A story will be displayed on Facebook with a title, description and image. But if you have a video of this specific product or service, you can make the stories published a lot more appealing!

Imagine that every time someone likes a product, it will share a video showing that product in an attractive way or a demo of how to benefit from it—or if it’s a service, an interview of a client saying how he benefited from your service. You can make the stories published a lot more appealing with video. Three Reasons Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Need Not Step Down. On May 18 of this year, Facebook stock debuted on NASDAQ at $38 per share. Last week, three months later, it was selling for half that price. As the stock has plunged, questions about CEO Mark Zuckerberg's leadership have risen. Late last week, the LA Times asked "Is Mark Zuckerberg in over his hoodie as Facebook CEO? ," a swipe at the attire Zuckerberg famously wore on the day the stock launched. CNET Columnist Ben Parr received an email from an attorney's PR firm promoting his drive to force Zuckerberg out.

Should Zuckerberg step down? Whether or not Zuckerberg should step down is a question only he can answer. It is his damn company: As noted on this blog six months ago, Facebook's S-1 IPO filing could not have been clearer about the control Zuckerberg wields at Facebook. In other words, Facebook was going to need to grow its net income 500% in short order to justify its price, much less create positive market momentum. Connect: Authored by: Augie Ray See complete profile. Mettez en place un rendez vous régulier avec vos Fans Facebook – WalkCast [Partie 41. Des fans sur Facebook c’est bien, mais des clients c’est mieux – WalkCast [Partie 38. Ajoutez des applications à votre Page Facebook – WalkCast [Partie 40. Facebook Mobile for Business: What You Need to Know. Do you take Facebook with you on your mobile device? Turns out 543 million people access Facebook while out and about! To explore the marketing implications of mobile Facebook users, I interview Mari Smith for our new Social Media Marketing podcast .

More About This New Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a brand-new show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. In this premier episode, I interview Mari Smith , author of The New Relationship Marketing and co-author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day . Mari shares insights into Facebook mobile and the opportunities this new mobile environment gives businesses today. You’ll learn about how to get your Facebook content seen by the large mobile audience and you’ll also discover the best Facebook advertising options .

Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below! Listen Now Facebook Mobile for Business. Facebook Marketing in 2012: How to Keep Up With Facebook. Is your business taking full advantage of the marketing opportunities of Facebook? Are you looking for more fans, better engagement and more sales? If so, Social Media Examiner has some important news to share… But first, here’s something to consider. Since Facebook made Timeline mandatory for business pages on March 30, a lot of updates and enhancements have been introduced. Some of them include: New layoutEnhanced Facebook appsNew InsightsSponsored stories and promoted updatesAbility to schedule updates within Timeline itself Today, businesses just like yours are using Facebook to create inspiring content that resonates with fans and converts them into customers and brand evangelists.

Take Emory’s on Silver Lake, for example—a lakeside bistro and bar in Everett, Washington. Successful marketing with Facebook Timeline is achievable with creative content and inspiring ads. The strategy proved to be very successful and resulted in a 1500% increase in Facebook engagement! Are you convinced? The Limitations of 'Like' Whenever anything happens 3.2 billion times per day, you have to wonder whether its recurrence diminishes its significance. Specifically, I’m talking about Facebook’s inescapable LIKE button (perhaps you’ve heard of it). The average Facebook user clicks ‘like’ 3.5 times every day — anything from friends’ wedding photos to slapstick status updates to videos of innocent childhood relics getting blown apart by explosives.

Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. The ‘like’ button has become so ubiquitous on the web and has spread so rapidly across almost every online experience that trying to explain its purpose or its power or its potentialities is sort of like explaining to your grandmother why the Kardashians have their own television show. Sixty percent of marketers measure their social media success based on numbers linking friends, fans and ‘likes’[2]. The bottom line is that brands need to stop attaching the term ‘engagement’ entirely to quantifiable clicks such as ‘likes‘.

Facebook for Business: 10 Tips to Rock Your Brand! It’s not news that the noise on the social platforms is getting louder. It’s becoming harder to stand out from the crowd. Many Facebook pages are finding themselves at a social table for one with little conversation going on despite all those “likes” they begged for in the early days.

Quality over Quantity! Anyone who follows me knows that ever since I hopped on Facebook for business I have been preachin’ that it is not about the likes. It’s not the number of likes that will grow your business. It’s the quality of those likes, why they liked your page in the first place and most importantly what happens after the like. Imperfect Perfection So the next question many ask me is “then how do I stand out from the crowd? Many think that it’s going to cost them an arm, leg and their Q3 budget to develop an online brand strategy that rocks. Remember when it comes to marketing and branding, there is no such thing as “perfection.” 5 Essential Attributes of Rockin’ Brands: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Facebook Search Will Be Better than Google (5% of the Time) Entre liker et/ou acheter : Que faites vous face à une pub sur facebook ?