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Types of Body & Face Soaps

06 august 2020

Types of Body & Face Soaps

Imagine waking up in the morning and slathering your body with the favourite shower gels and soaps, rinse it off, and take the start of the day. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that bathing and showering is an integral part of daily life. However, these soaps are a part of daily life and one needs proper information. In the same vein, choosing the correct soap is important because it will be coming in contact with your body. 

The bath soaps are available in liquid as well as bar form. The prime aim of using the bath soap is to cleanse the body but it needs to serve the purpose of soothing the skin. The best thing about this modern world is that you can use the soaps that align with your skin needs. However, we have been concerned about the soap ingredients for a long time now. 

This is because the majority of soaps are made from animal and vegetable fats, in addition to alcohol and synthetic ingredients. In addition, some of these ingredients pose adverse impacts on the skin. This is because soaps come in contact with the skin and can be absorbed into the skin. This is one of the prime reasons that people prefer organic soaps. 

In this article, we are sharing some insights that you need to consider. So, have a look at the factors that you need to consider while choosing the soaps!

pH Level 

The usual commercial stops are designed with pH levels ranging from 9 to 11 and they tend to increase the pH level of skin as well. The skin pH level plays a huge role in skin health. If you are using commercial and ordinary soaps, make sure you are mixing it up with water because direct contact will be harmful. In addition, you must never use the commercial soaps for face, as it can lead to irritation and dry patches. 

Types of Soaps

Whenever you hit the market to buy the soap bars, you will come across a wide variety. For instance, there are anti-bacterial soaps, shower gels, bar soaps, and herbal soaps. However, people aren’t aware of the details. So, in the section below, we are sharing details about different types of soaps, have a look!

Anti-Bacterial Soaps 

These soaps have an extra ingredient, such as triclocarban and triclosan because they are the anti-bacterial agents. These soaps are available in liquid and bar form, with a pH level of 9 to 10. These soaps tend to be highly popular because they provide protection from microorganisms. On the other hand, these soaps can lead to skin irritation and dryness. In addition, they kill all microorganisms (yes, even the good ones!). 

Anti-Acne Soaps 

These soaps are integrated with anti-bacterial, comedolytic, and exfoliating properties. These soaps are usually designed for face usage but some people use them for back and chest as well. All in all, these soaps are basically used on acne-prone areas. However, one must never overuse these soaps as it can leave red patches all over. It is advised to use the anti-acne soaps only twice a day. 

Herbal Soaps 

These soaps are made with natural ingredients, such as lavender, chamomile, spearmint, peppermint, avocado, and oatmeal. In addition, if you have dry skin, you can use herbal soaps with shea butter and olive oil. Olive oil is better for skin regeneration. In addition, they keep the free radicals away, so your skin stays away from damages. You can click here to buy soap boxes for your organic and herbal soaps to add an alluring factor!