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Species Guide Birch Betula Bonsai. Betula is a genus of about 60 species of deciduous trees and shrubs found in diverse habitats, including woodland, moors, mountains and heathland throughout the Northern hemisphere. Birches are one of the toughest and most tolerant genera of deciduous trees and are generally the first species to establish themselves on the edges of woodland or on wasteland. Leaves are alternate, toothed, usually ovate and mid- to dark green. Leaves appear shortly after flowering in April or May. Their Autumn colouring varies from bright yellow to orange. Birches are monoecious (i.e. with separate male and female flowers on the same tree) and rely on the wind for pollination. Birches are commonly favoured for their bark though only two species native to the UK develop white bark, the Silver Birch (Betula pendula, also known as weeping birch) and the Downy Birch (Betula pubescens). BONSAI CULTIVATION NOTES POSITION Full sun. How to Grow and Maintain a Healthy Birch Tree.

Controlling Birch Leafminer Leafminers on birch can be controlled by using a registered insecticide to maintain aesthetic appearance and to prevent trees from undergoing periods of stress caused by excessive leaf loss. A list of insecticides should be available through your county extension office. Insecticides for controlling leafminers are often applied in three ways: (1) a foliar spray, (2) a soil application, or (3) by painting an insecticide on the stem or bole of the tree.

The foliar spray and soil applications are generally the most reliable methods. At this time, there is no supporting evidence that shows bole painting to be a reliable method of control. Foliar Spray - A thorough application is necessary within 2-5 days after the first tiny yellow spots appear on the leaves, following egg laying (Figures 7 and 8). The first treatment, in the very early spring, is the most critical. Treatment 2: Insecticides can be applied to the bark of trees to prevent new attacks. Guide to Birch Trees. Birch. Birch is a broadleaved deciduous hardwood tree of the genus Betula (/ˈbɛtjʊlə/),[1] in the family Betulaceae, which also includes alders, hazels, and hornbeams, and is closely related to the beech/oak family, Fagaceae. The genus Betula contains 30 to 60 known taxa of which 11 are on the IUCN 2011 Red List of Threatened Species. They are typically rather short-lived pioneer species widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in northern temperate and boreal climates.

This tree is sometimes called "The Watchful Tree" because of eye-like impressions on the bark. Etymology[edit] The common name birch comes from Old English birce, bierce, from Proto-Germanic *berk-jōn (cf. The generic name betula is from Latin, which is a diminutive borrowed from Gaulish betua (cf. Description[edit] The front and rear sides of a piece of birch bark The buds form early and are full grown by midsummer, all are lateral, no terminal bud is formed; the branch is prolonged by the upper lateral bud.

Uses[edit] Perennial plant. A perennial plant or simply perennial (from Latin per, meaning "through", and annus, meaning "year") is a plant that lives for more than two years.[1] The term is often used to differentiate a plant from shorter-lived annuals and biennials. The term is also widely used to distinguish plants with little or no woody growth from trees and shrubs, which are also technically perennials.[2] Perennials, especially small flowering plants, that grow and bloom over the spring and summer, die back every autumn and winter, and then return in the spring from their root-stock, are known as herbaceous perennials. However, depending on the rigors of local climate, a plant that is a perennial in its native habitat, or in a milder garden, may be treated by a gardener as an annual and planted out every year, from seed, from cuttings or from divisions.

There is also a class of evergreen, or non-herbaceous, perennials, including plants like Bergenia which retain a mantle of leaves throughout the year. Japanese Juniper (Observations) | There are it seems alot of people on here who have juniper as there first Bonsai. First and foremost juniper is an outdoor tree, unless you intend on spending lots of money and extrenous amounts of time to care for it indoors. Outdoors only, indoors for no longer than two days for display purposes. I have had my Juniper now for several months and I want everyone to realize that any Bonsai purchased or potensai "hate this word" require a long term commitment. My observations that I will be posting hopefully will serve to educate others on the Junipers growth,and additional conditions.

All Bonsai have potential for infestation the easiest way to take care of this is basically innoculating your trees on a regular basis. How regular if you currently have an infestation follow the recommended dose on you bug killer for lack of a better word. Don't be over zealous with thinking your tree is dying. The Juniper as a Bonsai is recommended for beginners and I would agree with this notion. Bonsai Care.