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Autism and callous unemotional traits

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Tests of Psychopathy and CU traits

Autism spectrum disorder and psychopathy; shared cognitive underpinnings or double hit?J Rogers et al Psychological Medicine, 2006, 36, 1789–1798. Introduction. Tests Used. Discussion. The role of callous and unemotional traits in the diagnosis of conduct disorder Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51:6 (2010), pp 688–695, R Rowe et al. The orbitofrontal–amygdala circuit and self-regulationof social–emotional behavior in autism Bachevalier 2006. Abstract. Contents.

Research Review: The importance of callous-unemotional traits for developmental models of aggressive and antisocial behavior - Frick - 2008 - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Abstract. Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU; Frick, 2004) Self report version. Inventory of Callous-UnemotionalTraits (ICU; Frick, 2004) - Background. Amygdala theory of autism baron cohen neuroscience and biobehavioural reviews 2000.

Abstract. Amygdala Story for Psychopathy and ASD.