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Nicki Marie

Nicki is an Tech Experts and Relationship Adviser.

How to track employees through Android Spy ? Insider threat has become a big problem and guarding yourself and your company against such a threat is now becoming a niche in the security industry with almost 20 companies making marketing software tools which are used for tracking as well as analyzing the behavior of employees.Now you will read to track employees through Android Spy. The problem is one which goes far beyond when the internet began; the salesman for instance who would take the companies entire customer list with him once he quit or the engineer who copied off key designs of products. With the advent of technology however only one thing changed and that was the way in which the act was committed.

Product designs could be copied onto a USB drive and data could be emailed to an account. An example of such an incidence occurring is that of Morgan Stanley which had to fire an employee for taking the data of almost 350,000 clients of its wealth management division. Should you be spying on your teen? An important part of parenting is to keep your child safe and to help them in making the right decisions. It is because of your strong parental instincts that you are forced to constantly check in with your kids and to even get in touch with their friends parents to simply make sure that they are under supervision. However when it comes to spying, is that considered to be too far? It is quite possible that your desire to keep your child protected could lead you to cross a line which could cause damage to the relationship you have with them. So how does a parent watch over his child in a responsible manner without becoming overbearing and crossing a line which could lead to even bigger problems?

What is my motive? Question yourself why you feel there is a need to spy on your child. Is it worth the risk? One of the benefits of spying is that it will allow you to have access to information which can help you take action before anything bad happens to your teen. About the Author: Brook.