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Cloud IDEs

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ACE - Cloud9 Editor. IDE in the cloud: Mozilla Labs' browser-based IDE prototype. Mozilla Labs has launched a new project called Bespin that provides a browser-based framework for interactive code editing.

IDE in the cloud: Mozilla Labs' browser-based IDE prototype

The prototype includes a simple IDE with a built-in command system, a basic project management interface, and an editor that supports syntax highlighting and other features. The Bespin framework is distributed under an open source license and can be deployed by users on any server. It uses standards-based Web technologies and doesn't rely on features that are specific to the Mozilla ecosystem, so you will eventually be able to use it in any standards-compliant Web browser.

It does use some cutting-edge standards, however, so you will need Firefox 3 or a WebKit nightly build to test it today. The editor's internal components are written in JavaScript and are very easy to extend. Cloud IDE. My Cloud IDE. Cloud9 - Your code anywhere, anytime.

Programming in the Cloud. Some remarkable Online IDEs. Cloud computing is said to be the next big thing.

Programming in the Cloud. Some remarkable Online IDEs.

We have witnessed the creation of great applications like Office tools, web operating systems and many many more. We still see Google, Yahoo! GitHub - Social Coding. ShiftEdit - Online IDE.