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2010 Predictions

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Social Media Predictions For 2010. With the first decade of the new century and new millennium coming to a close, its time to look forward at some of the prognostications that several of today's visionaries have divined from their social media crystal balls.

Social Media Predictions For 2010

These predictions are meant to be thought-provokers more than a specific road map, and derive from an eclectic assembly of thought leaders,entrepreneurs and folks who are in the trenches every day dealing with the evolution of social media in our very many global neighborhoods. Based on this research, I have also added findings from my own humble analysis that supports, questions and occasionally disputes some of these predictions. Southeast Asia, Next Social Media Hotspot Jimmy WalesJimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia thinks the most important changes ahead will be forged by the “next billion people coming online, mainly in India and China.” In Southeast Asia, it has been the year of Facebook. 10 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010. This time last year, I wrote about the 10 ways social media will change 2009, and while all predictions have materialized or are on their way, it has only become clear in recent months how significant of a change we've seen this year. 2009 will go down as the year in which the shroud of uncertainty was lifted off of social media and mainstream adoption began at the speed of light.

10 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010

Barack Obama's campaign proved that social media can mobilize millions into action, and Iran's election protests demonstrated its importance to the freedom of speech. This guest post was written by Ravit Lichtenberg, founder and chief strategist at - a boutique consultancy focusing on helping companies succeed. Where Digital Marketing Is Heading in 2010 (Part 1) - Advertisin.