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Dr. Nick Nicholson

The Nicholson Clinic for Weight Loss Surgery is a Dallas bariatric surgery clinic that takes a comprehensive and personalized approach to medical weight loss surgery. Under the leadership of Dr. Nick Nicholson, a pioneer in Bariatric surgery and one of the most experienced weight loss surgeons in the country, the Nicholson Clinic’s full staff of surgeons, nurses and other experienced clinicians, help patients reverse obesity with LAP-BAND, Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy and Revisional Bariatric Surgery.

Dr. Roshek Named Texas Super Doctor for Third Year. Nicholson Clinic is pleased to announced Dr.

Dr. Roshek Named Texas Super Doctor for Third Year

Thomas Roshek has been named to Texas Super Doctors List 2018. This is the third year Dr. Roshek has been given this award. To be named a Texas Super Doctor is a unique distinction as doctors are nominated and selected for this honor by their peers in the medical field. “I am so honored to have received this recognition from my peers,” said Dr. In addition to being named a Texas Super Doctor for three years, Dr. D Magazine's "Best Doctors" in Dallas for 2012–2013, 2016.D Magazine's Best Doctors in Collin County for 2013, 2016–2018.Texas Monthly Super Docs, Texas Rising Stars for 2014 and 2015Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Resident Achievement Award for 2009Tufts University School of Medicine Excellence in Teaching Award The Super Doctors honor reinforces Dr. Immune-Boosting Foods to Fuel Your Holidays. By Renell Cronk, RDN, LD Cold and flu season is in full swing and with the holidays right around the corner, this is no time to be sick!

Immune-Boosting Foods to Fuel Your Holidays

So, give yourself a fighting chance by taking preventative measures where you can. Get Healthy in 2019! Learn the Health Benefits of Weight Loss. What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

Get Healthy in 2019! Learn the Health Benefits of Weight Loss

Weight loss is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions made each year. While the motivation to lose weight may differ from one person to the next, making the decision to drop those extra pounds can yield some powerful health benefits. Carrying around excess weight can have some significant negative effects on your health. These consequences can range from uncomfortable to catastrophic. Supplements for the Heart. By Renell Cronk, RDN, LD According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”), heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, and stroke is following close behind at number five.

Supplements for the Heart

A major player contributing to these issues is a lack of nutrition in our daily diet. There are many nutrients our body needs to support a healthy functioning heart and cardiovascular system; many of which we can’t always get through food alone. Heart Health Month: How Weight Impacts Your Heart. One in every four deaths in the U.S. is linked to heart disease.

Heart Health Month: How Weight Impacts Your Heart

It is the leading cause of death in both men and women. A buildup of plaque thickens the artery walls, inhibiting blood flow through the arteries and blood flow to the organs and tissues. This condition, known as atherosclerosis is one of the most common causes of cardiovascular disease. Atherosclerosis is often caused by correctable problems, such as being overweight or obese, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and smoking. In recent years, studies have demonstrated the strong correlation between obesity and heart disease.

Obesity impacts heart health in a number of adverse ways: Obesity-Related Medical Conditions — Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, poor cholesterol levels, sleep apnea — these health conditions are all direct risk factors for heart disease.Inflammation — Obesity can cause hazardous inflammation in the body. Adopt a healthy diet. Increase physical activity. Jump-Start Your Weight Loss with this Convenient, Non-Surgical Weight Loss System. Tired of not losing weight with diet and exercise alone, but don’t qualify for bariatric surgery?

Jump-Start Your Weight Loss with this Convenient, Non-Surgical Weight Loss System

Dr. Nicholson Voted D Magazine Best Doctor for 11th Year. Nicholson Clinic is proud to announce that our founder, Dr.

Dr. Nicholson Voted D Magazine Best Doctor for 11th Year

Nick Nicholson, has been voted one of D Magazine’s Best Doctors for bariatric surgery for the 11th year. The selection process for D Magazine’s Best Doctor is a rigorous one, as it begins with peer nomination and goes through a vetting process and extensive panel reviews before selections are made. “It’s truly an honor to have worked with thousands of bariatric patients over 17 years, and to have received this recognition from my peers for 11 years,” says Dr. Nicholson. Dr. The annual Best Doctors ranking kicks off each year with a confidential poll that is sent to local doctors in general practice and specialty fields. Dr. National Better Breakfast Month: What Makes a Healthy Breakfast? By Renell Cronk, RDN, LD “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!”

National Better Breakfast Month: What Makes a Healthy Breakfast?

No doubt you have heard this, but keep in mind that just eating breakfast isn’t enough to get your day started off right. September is Better Breakfast Month, so let’s take a look at what actually constitutes a “better breakfast.” You need to consume a healthy breakfast that is well-balanced and nutrient rich to really reap the benefits. Eating highly processed, nutrient lacking foods like sugar laced cereals or pastries won’t give you all the wonderful benefits breakfast has to offer. Healthy Lunch Tips and Tricks. By Molly Wangsgaard, RDN The hot summer is almost behind us.

Healthy Lunch Tips and Tricks

Whew! Kids are going back to school. Yay! Nicholson Clinic Named “Best Bariatric Surgeon” by Readers of Living Magazine. We are thrilled to announce Nicholson Clinic has been voted “Best Bariatric Surgeon” in Living Magazine for the Frisco-Plano and Richardson/Murphy areas.

Nicholson Clinic Named “Best Bariatric Surgeon” by Readers of Living Magazine

Our clinic has previously received the distinction of Best of McKinney/Allen and Living Magazine’s Best of Three-Eighty North and we are honored to again have been voted best by the magazine’s readers. Living Magazine delivers health, fitness, and lifestyle content to its readers, who voted for Nicholson Clinic because of our exceptional service that is patient-based and delivers life-changing results. Dr. 5 Reasons to Eat Local, Seasonal Foods. By Renell Cronk, RDN, LDN June is National Fruits and Vegetables Month, so let’s take a look at some of the benefits of eating local, seasonal produce. Eating seasonally means that you are eating foods in your diet that are grown at that same time of year. Seasonal products are, of course, not always local. Men’s Health Month: Take Control of Your Health with Nicholson Clinic.

Men: when was the last time you visited your doctor for a routine exam and preventive health services? Studies show that women are more likely to seek out healthcare than men, and as a result, men see more serious health problems and shorter life spans. Men are also more likely to become overweight or obese than women. Weight problems can contribute to a number of health conditions, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and even erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer.

And many of these could be prevented with routine medical care and weight management. Arthritis Awareness Month: Fight Inflammation with Food. By Renell Cronk, RDN, LDN Think of your body like a computer, and inflammation like your antivirus protection. When something like a virus is on the attack, there is a defender that reacts to prevent the invasion. Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response to defend against external intruders like bacteria or damaged cells. Inflammation can be a healthy, positive reaction.

However, there are two types of inflammation, acute and chronic. The good news; better dietary choices can promote a healthy inflammatory response. FOODS TO AVOID (Promoters of chronic inflammation) 1. Arthritis Awareness Month: What’s the Link Between Obesity and Arthritis? Did you know that obesity can be linked to join problems, including arthritis? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five Americans has been diagnosed with arthritis, but one in three people who are overweight or obese will suffer from the joint disease. So what’s the link? It all comes down to weight and pressure on your joints that leads to damage over time. The more you weigh, the more pressure your joints must withstand. The more weight that is put on your joints, the more stressed they become, leading to damage over time.

When you look at the research, it’s easy to see how even being slightly overweight can cause problems with your knees and other joints. In addition to the added pressure, fat is an active tissue that causes inflammation in the body. Back pain is also closely associated with obesity, according to the American Obesity Association. Yoga for Anybody, Anywhere. By Jaimee Hunter, RYT200 Certified Yoga Instructor Yoga is for anybody, and anybody can access a yoga routine anywhere!

The following Surya Namaskar A variation is an accessible yoga sequence that anyone can do anywhere, home, office, etc. Using a chair provides sturdy support for anyone with balance issues. Note: The chair should be placed against a wall to keep it from sliding out from under you. News. 8 Tips to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau. After bariatric surgery, most patients see weight rapidly fall off in the first days and weeks following their weight loss procedure.

Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Obesity. Victor S. Sierpina, MD One of the red flags that often push people to really work to lose weight, either surgically or non-surgically, is the diagnosis of diabetes. Drinking Water Week: Rethink That Drink! What’s Sleep Got to Do with It? Did you know an estimated 18 million people in the U.S. have sleep apnea? ReShape™ Provides a Weight Loss Option for Patients Who Don’t Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery. What’s Keeping You from Losing Weight? By Sheri Sellars, BSN, RN Nicholson Clinic Nurse Educator If you are overweight, nobody can understand what you are going through unless they have truly walked in your shoes. People who struggle with obesity are afraid to reach out for professional support for a multitude of reasons. 7 Ways to Find Your Motivation. Guilt-Free Sweets. When the craving hits hard for something sweet, there really isn’t anything that can stand in our way.

However, there is a right way and a wrong way to indulge in a sweet snack when you feel the need. Doctors Carlton and Roshek Named Best Doctors in Collin County. Alcohol Awareness Month: Alcoholism and the Bariatric Patient. Alcohol Awareness Month: Alcoholism and the Bariatric Patient. 10 Reasons to Get Out of the Gym. Summer is here, but despite the warm temps, there are plenty of reasons you should be getting some exercise outdoors.

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Get Fit. Men's Health Month: Get the Facts About Obesity and Your Health. Nicholson Clinic Patients Walk the WLS Journey Together. Tips to Make Meal Prep Easy. Meal Prep - How to Make Mason Jar Salads. Texas Non-Surgical Weight Loss Program - Nicholson Clinic, Dallas. What Are the Benefits of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy? Am I a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery? Is Gastric Bypass My Only Option for Weight Loss? Preparing for Bariatric Surgery. Family Members: Caring for a Loved One After Bariatric Surgery. Education - Nicholson Clinic. Payment Options - Nicholson Clinic. Patients - Nicholson Clinic. Facilities - Nicholson Clinic. About Bariatic - Nicholson Clinic.