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30 Top Questions and Answers for Salesforce Interviews - Negosentro. Top 10 Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers. How to use lightning accordion - SalesforceNextGen. How to use lightning accordion and how to dynamically add accordion section in lightning. In this post we are going to create a lightning accordion component with static text and then we are going to fetch list of contacts and display their detail in the accordion section. To begin this quest we are first going to create an apex class which we will use to fetch the contact records and information related to each contact record.

Below is the code of the apex controller class fetchContactDetails: public class fetchContactDetails { @AuraEnabled public static list<Contact> fetchContactList(){ return [select Id, name,, Email from contact limit 10]; This class contains an Aura Enabled method which returns a list of 10 contacts with their record Id, Name, Account Name and Email. Now we are going to create a lightning component which will represent each contact records as the body of each accordion section. <dd class=”slds-item_detail slds-truncate” title=”Description for first label”>{! Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers Part. Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers What is Salesforce and what is the architecture of Salesforce?

A. Salesforce is a Cloud based software made on platform, it has a pre-built feature to serve as a CRM, but Salesforce is not limited to be called CRM, It has many out of the box features. Salesforce uses Multitenant architecture 2. A. Images sourced from site 3. A. 4. A. 5. A. 6. A. 7. A. 8. A. The most important difference is that master-detail has a direct dependency between the objects: You cannot have a detail record without a master.

Lookups are used when the behavior of the master-detail – particularly around sharing rules, profile permissions and cascade delete are not required. when multiple parents need to be referenced then we use look-up 9. A. 10. A. 11. A. Salesforce interview Questions based Apex Collections Apex Collections are set of identical elements grouped together in a collection. A. ListSetMap.