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Berklee Chord Game. Leonard Bernstein’s Masterful Lectures on Music (11+ Hours of Video Recorded in 1973) In 1972, the composer Leonard Bernstein returned to Harvard, his alma mater, to serve as the Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry, with “Poetry” being defined in the broadest sense.

Leonard Bernstein’s Masterful Lectures on Music (11+ Hours of Video Recorded in 1973)

The position, first created in 1925, asks faculty members to live on campus, advise students, and most importantly, deliver a series of six public lectures. T.S. Eliot, Aaron Copland, W.H. Auden, e.e. cummings, Robert Frost, Jorge Luis Borges — they all previously took part in this tradition. And Bernstein did too. Delivered in the fall of 1973 and collectively titled “The Unanswered Question,” Bernstein’s lectures covered a lot of terrain, touching on poetry, linguistics, philosophy and physics. Lecture 2: Musical Syntax Lecture 3: Musical Semantics Lecture 4: The Delights & Dangers of Ambiguity Lecture 5: The 20th Century Crisis Lecture 6: The Poetry of Earth This lecture series has been added to our extensive collection of Free Courses.

An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, ca. 1490-1920. Dance Instruction Manuals: Baroque Dance. SEJAM BEM-VINDOS AO STUDIO MEL - Lider em Gravações , Aulas de Canto e Arranjos Musicais. Music, Poetry & The Brain. Página principal - ChoralWiki. Software livre de composição e partitura musical.

Blog do Conservatório Regional de Évora - Eboræ Mvsica.


  Ediciones guitarra.artelinkado. Teoria musical. Petrucci Music Library. Free Music Fonts. Advertising: These fonts are totally free of charge, and you may redistribute them as long as you don’t host them on another website.

Free Music Fonts

An astonishingly useful site with fonts and font comparisons is available courtesy of Jan Angemuller: An extensive list of music font links (as well as other music links) is available from Gerd Castan: This figured bass font was created to ease entry of figured bass symbols in applications such as Finale or Microsoft Word. Download this font for Mac or Windows Open source version of this font (GPL Open Font License), OpenType format. StaffClefPitchesEasy A font enabling you to put pitch material – staff, clefs, pitches and barlines – onto any page using any application. Download this font for Mac Windows Rhythms A font enabling you to put rhythmic notation – including rhythmic values, time signatures, tuplet markings, barlines – onto any page using any application.

Download this font for Mac Windows Accidentals font Download this font for Mac Windows Scale Degrees. How To: Get Special Characters and Symbols on your iPhone or iPad with Glyphboard. Here’s a great web app from Neven Mrgan.

How To: Get Special Characters and Symbols on your iPhone or iPad with Glyphboard

It’s called Glyphboard and it allows you to copy and paste cool glyphs such as , ☂, ☺, ✔, and ♫ on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Use Glyphboard for email, tweets, text messages… any time you want to spice things up with a bit of ‘character.’ To install the web app, go to Glyphboard 2.0 in Mobile Safari, click the bookmark arrow at the bottom, then “Add to home screen.” Glyphboard will now show up as a web app with the command icon (⌘). To use Glyphboard, simply tap and hold the desired character to copy and paste into your email, text, or tweet. Get Glyphboard to add a little character to your messages. Check out our how-to post for more useful Mac and iOS keyboard shortcuts and symbols. Anexo:Símbolos da notação musical moderna.

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Anexo:Símbolos da notação musical moderna

Esta é uma lista dos principais símbolos e termos utilizados em partituras na notação musical moderna. Linhas[editar | editar código-fonte] Figuras e pausas[editar | editar código-fonte] Valores de duração de notas e Pausas não são definidas absolutamente, mas são proporcionais à duração das demais notas e pausas. Para efeito de definição a duração de uma semibreve será tomada como uma "duração de referência" (R). Marcas de interrupção[editar | editar código-fonte] Claves[editar | editar código-fonte] Carmina Burana - Letras Traduzidas - Português. My Guitar Songbook: Sing-Along, Folk, & Rock Songs w/ chords & lyrics (listed by title) Todas as letras de Paul Simon. The rest is noise: Chapter 1: The Golden Age (for iPad) Part of the Rest Is Noise Audio Guide Playbill from the Austrian premiere of "Salome" in Graz, 1906.

The rest is noise: Chapter 1: The Golden Age (for iPad)

Click on the image to enlarge it. Note: The first page number is for the hardback edition, the second number is for the paperback. Graz, 1906: an extraordinary array of personalities, including Gustav Mahler and his wife Alma, Giacomo Puccini, Arnold Schoenberg and six of his students, and, possibly, the seventeen-year-old Adolf Hitler, gather to hear Richard Strauss's opera Salome, which had its premiere the previous December.

It is a lush, decadent, intermittently violent score, containing many premonitions of twentieth-century musical revolutions to follow. Here is a piano demonstration of the two segments of the scale: Here is the orchestral version: Notice the little melody that is heard immediately after the scale.