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UCL Methods for Dummies: Resources. Cognitive Science Literature. This is a list of cognitive modeling papers solicited from a wide range of cognitive modelers, by asking them the following: "I wonder if you would do me the honor of sending me a list of your top 2-5 favorite cognitive modeling papers. I would expect that 1-3 of these would be your papers, and 1-3 would be someone else's.

I am looking for papers where someone really nailed the phenomenon, whatever it is. I would lean towards more recent papers, but oldies but goodies are ok too. " At the bottom of this list are some of the comments received with the papers, organized by the name of the respondent. Please let me know if any of the links are broken: Copyright notice Abstracts, papers, chapters, and other documents are posted on this site as an efficient way to distribute reprints.

Syllabus for CogSci 276. SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE (COGS 107B), Winter 2008. UCL Neuroscience masters reading list.