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Arthur Benjamin: The magic of Fibonacci numbers. Visualizing World Birth and Death Rates. Initializing...

Visualizing World Birth and Death Rates

Loading data... Loaded country birth rates... Loaded country lat/long... Explaining statistics with modern dance [video. The arts aren’t getting much recognition in our schools today for “distracting” from the core curriculum, though one argument supporters make is that the arts expand our understanding and knowledge in a way that can’t always be assessed on a standardized test.

Explaining statistics with modern dance [video

A great case in point is this series of videos from the British Psychological Society Media Centre that uses modern dance to explain statistical concepts. As someone for whom statistics only really clicked while spending hours filing papers in the college loan office, I can tell you that watching people dance is a far more appealing way to learn. Full story at YouTube via Boing Boing. BEAUTY OF MATHEMATICS. The Scale of the Universe 2.