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Telefonica unveils ‘big data’ initiative. 12 free cloud storage options. Network World - With all the public cloud storage offerings on the market today, many vendors just want customers to sign up for their services. So, in return for a new account, many offer free cloud storage. STARTUPS: 12 hot cloud companies to watch ENTERPRISE-FOCUSED FREE CLOUDS: Piston latest to jump on 'freemium' bandwagon Using the following 12 public cloud storage options, you could theoretically get 112GB of free cloud storage. Here are side-by-side comparisons of free cloud storage options. Name: Amazon Cloud Drive Free cloud storage: 5GB Extra storage: 20GB, $10/year; 50GB, $25/year; 100GB, $50/year; 200GB, $100/year; 1TB, $500/year. More info: Music purchased and downloaded from Amazon is automatically stored in Amazon Cloud Drive for free. Name: Apple iCloud Extra storage: 10GB (15GB total with 5GB free), $20/year; 50GB, $100/year.

More info: Automatically synchs files, photos, videos and even Web browsing tabs across Apple devices. Name: Box Name: Dropbox Free cloud storage: 2GB. Get started with Hadoop: Free training resources from Cloudera, MapR and more. Big data is creating big demand for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework that's known for its ability to store, process and analyze huge amounts of data using commodity servers. With Hadoop, enterprises are able to collect more data, retain it longer and perform analyses that weren't practical in the past because of cost, complexity and a lack of tools.

IN DEPTH: Hadoop wins over enterprise IT, spurs talent crunch It's an appealing platform, but it requires expertise. As enterprises weigh the potential for Hadoop in their data architecture plans, IT pros are scrambling to sharpen their skills. Hadoop training courses and certification programs are available from companies including Cloudera, Hortonworks, IBM and MapR. But if you're not ready to commit to formal, paid training courses, there are also free resources that can get a newcomer started on Hadoop or broaden a veteran's skills. To continue reading, register here to become an Insider It's FREE to join.

First Look: Ubuntu 12.10. Beer should not be gender exclusive. Women could be the solution to boosting beer sales but only if brewers adopt a more gender neutral tone in their marketing actvity. Animée was launched last July in three variants - a standard, clear-filtered beer as well as rose and citrus flavours. Backed by a £2m advertising campaign, it was positioned as a brand to “make beer a real choice” for women. The brand was the product of the company’s “BitterSweet” unit, which was set up almost four years ago to exploit what the brewer claims is a £396m untapped market of women beer drinkers. Molson Coors is not alone in trying to attract new drinkers to the category, Guinness Red and Carlsberg Eve have all failed to really drive women to drink lager. Brewers are increasingly looking for ways to broaden the appeal of their heritage brands to both women and younger drinkers in a bid to maintain revenue in a declining UK beer category.

10 Essential Resources for Bootstrapping Businesses. In the Bootstrapping Business Series, Mashable talked to a ton of entrepreneurs about how they got started, what tools they live by and what they wished they had known at the beginning. The result is a deep pool of tips and tricks for aspiring business owners who are looking to raise money, start a tech startup or build their brand. From selecting the best employees to putting together an awesome workspace, the little decisions are the ones that add up and will make you successful in the long run. Take a look at a roundup of 10 of these solid primers below. Have tips of your own?

Tell us in the comments. 1. What Founders Wish They Knew Before Starting Companies The entrepreneurship journey isn’t an easy one — developing a product, scaling a business and growing an audience are intimidating tasks that necessitate endless hustle, ambition and passion. But one in 12 startups succeed, and these businesses are healthy, growing and maybe even profitable. Read the full story here.