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Are you really striving to be facilitated with a plethora of tax & legal services? If yes, then surely your intriguing search ultimately ends at the NGO Experts. We have always intended to create Legal easy and that too with the finest assistance of the modern and highly updated technology that acts as an indispensable reason for in the organization of varied professional services in India.

Niti aayog registration

Niti aayog registration. Section 35 of income tax act. Society Registration in Delhi. Section 35 of income tax act. Society registration in Noida. Ngo consultants. Section 35 of income tax act. Trust registration. Section 8 company registration. Ngo consultants Copy. Ngo consultants. Trust Registration in India. It is a non-profit organization responsible for the promotion of certain causes whether it is in health, education, relief of the poor, environment, medical relief and advancement of any other object of General Public Utility.

Trust Registration in India

It is the transfer of property by the owner to someone else for the benefit of the third person. There are two categories of Trust: Public Trust: Its objective is performing activities for general public and it can be either charitable trust or religious trust. Private Trust: Its objective is performing activities for individual or family members.

Society registration

Section 35 of income tax act. Section 35 of Income Tax Act Consultant India - NGO Experts. Trust registration. Section 8 company registration. Hire Section 8 Company Registration in India. ⦁ It is a body corporate registered as a company under the Companies Act, 2013 for the purpose of charitable and religious cause and is similar to Trusts and Associations. ⦁ It can be established with the objectives of “promotion of commerce, art, science, sports, education, research, social welfare, religion, charity, protection of environment.” ⦁ It would be controlled by the Board of Directors – similar to a private limited company. ⦁ The name of a Section 8 Company must end with any of the words like foundation, association, federation, chambers, confederation, council, electoral trust, etc. ⦁ Also estimate the future annual income and expenditure of the company for next three years and specifying the sources of the income and the objects of the expenditure.

Hire Section 8 Company Registration in India

Its motive is social welfare and not for making profit. Prohibit distributing any dividend to its members.

Section 35 of income tax act

Niti aayog registration for society. Society registration. Csr funding in India. Society registration. Section 8 company registration. Ngo registration in Delhi. CSR Registration for NGO. MCA has launched e-form CSR-1 w.e.f. 1st April, 2021.

CSR Registration for NGO

According to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 4 (1) and (2) of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 every NGO’s including society, trust, section 8 companies requires filing e-form CSR-1 to undertake CSR activities and register itself with CG. After filing of CSR-1, entities would get one ‘Unique CSR Registration No.’ with Format CSRXXXXXXXX where X represents system generated unique sequential number automatically via email on the registered email id.

On and after 01st April 2021, each entity (implementing agencies) is eligible to undertake CSR activities: After getting both the certificate (Mandatory Certificate)

Niti aayog registration for society

Hire Section 8 Company Registration in India. Society registration. Niti aayog registration. Section 35 of Income Tax Act Consultant India - NGO Experts. NGO consultants. NGO Registration in India. Section 8 company registration. CSR Registration for NGO. Section 35 of Income Tax Act Consultant India - NGO Experts. Section 8 company registration. Niti Aayog Registration for Company, Society Charitable Trust. Niti Aayog provides a Unique Identification Number to existing NGOs.NGOs mention this unique ID at the time of making application of grants to the Governments.Create transparency, efficiency, and accountability. – Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 – Trust registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 – Section 25 Companies registered under Companies Act 1956 – Section 8 Companies registered under Companies Act 2013 1.

Niti Aayog Registration for Company, Society Charitable Trust

For FCRA Registration 2. For receiving grant from the Governments Authentic PresenceTransparencyHelpful in Getting Government GrantsBuilding Trust FactorUnique Registration ID from the Government of India. Hire Section 8 Company Registration in India. Section 35 of Income Tax Act Consultant India - NGO Experts. NGO Registration in Delhi, India. Hire Section 8 Company Registration in India.

Section 35 of income tax act

Section 35 of income tax act.