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Personal Strengths Profile | DISC self-assessment profile | Understand yourself. Personal Strengths Profile | DISC self-assessment profile | Understand yourself. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are. How To Avoid Communication Pitfalls In The Workplace – The Clarion Call to Leadership! This post first appeared on OPEN Idea Forum. There is a large body of work concerning the way women’s communication style differs from that of men.

For example, there is research suggesting that females downplay their certainty, while males downplay their doubts. In an effort to crack the female linguistic code, some have even gone so far as to assert that women and men speak different languages. But stereotyping the way women or men speak is dangerous and can be misleading. A more reliable way of looking at the issue of communication styles is to look at it from the point of view of personality which is independent of gender. If you are not sure whether you are predominantly a Feeling or Thinking type, you can take a quick quiz here.

If we are influenced by stereotypes, we might conclude that the majority of males are overwhelmingly Thinkers while statistics indicate that a whopping 43.5 % of males in the U.S. are Feelers. Tips for Thinkers: Work on being more approachable. No Batteries Required: 8 Conflict Resolution Tips. Learning to deal with emotions in conflict situations helps us be more effective in our professional or personal lives. August 17, 2011 There is an African proverb that says: “Don’t look where you fell, but where you slipped.” When we find ourselves on the conflict carousel, we often tend to lose sight of the root cause of the conflict.

It may very well have originated with us, but, once the conflict with a colleague or superior is set in motion, we seem to suffer from temporary, corporate amnesia—the emotional nature of the conflict clouds our objectivity. Learning to deal with emotions in negotiations or conflict situations helps us to be more effective, whether in our professional or personal life. In the book Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate, Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro provide a powerful framework for dealing with emotions without being overwhelmed by them. 1. Do you feel heard, understood and valued for your point of view? 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. FLE TOURISME. Non-Verbal Communication. Preparer son entretien en Anglais. E-PORTFOLIO PROFESSIONNEL.