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Covid-19: A Game Changer for Working Women The Covid-19 crisis is global and will last long enough to cause some serious economic and social repercussions. However, it does offer an opportunity for organisations to take steps for busting the unconscious biases that have crept in and consciously help more women manage their work and home responsibilities.

Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Data preperation services. NextWealth - Experts in Data Collection. LiDAR Annotation for ADAS - NextWealth. Autonomous driving is an amazing real-world application that has come about with the culmination of advances in various technologies.

LiDAR Annotation for ADAS - NextWealth

The first step in this complex system is to perceive the environment, for the complex onboard system in the car to understand what is around it. This perception is achieved by various sensors like Cameras, Ultrasonic, LiDAR and RADAR. While cameras give a visual perception of the environment, a LiDAR or RADAR sensor is very critical for depth perception. An Autonomous drive car that will drive you in the future will have a powerful onboard computer that will perceive the environment and makes decisions. But for this Environment perception to work properly, Deep learning algorithms need to be trained with large amount of annotated data from the multiple sensors. LiDAR Annotation Challenge This brings us to the two challenges that the ADAS industry faces today. The second challenge is more from the perspective of a human who annotates the objects. NextWealth - Data privacy solutions. #Hai-na-amazing?

NextWealth - Data privacy solutions

Every 18 – 24 months, the world is doubling the quantum of data available. In other words, we are generating as much data produced by all of human race, every 2 years. This is not because we have suddenly turned interesting and everyone is documenting their lives! Rather, a couple of other factors have come together in the past decade. One, we are using many data formats today. 10 years ago, data was just text. Two, Technology enablement for internet, social media & IoT – We conduct a big part of our lives on internet. #More-is-not-the-merrierWhy do I say that? Keeping an army of in-house annotators for doing this (labelling) may not be viable in most of the cases, as it is a costly affair.

#Help-is-hereA Faster and better way to address the labelling conundrum is through the use of machine learning for machine learning, as leveraged by B2B data service providers, such as NextWealth. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Ecommerce Catalog Management. Ecommerce Catalog Management. Data preperation services. NextWealth - Experts in Data Collection. NextWealth - Experts in Data Collection. NextWealth - Human Touch to Digital processes for Data Enrichment. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Data enrichment company - NextWealth. Data is the most crucial ingredient for businesses worldwide.

Data enrichment company - NextWealth

‘Data driven, Analytics driven, Algorithm driven, AI/ML driven’ are the new taglines for all businesses, traditional and next gen. Every day, companies are realizing the potential of data and its consequential competitive edge that companies can utilize in scale and growth. We at NextWealth have over a decade of experience in customer centric businesses, and are the leaders in Multi-channel customer support and Data Enrichment services. With over 2000 associates working in Tier 1 and Tier 2 towns, NextWealth delivers cost effective Data Enrichment services through “human touch to digital processes”. Covid-19 - A game changer for working women. A top official at a major IT company who has 50 directs, is on a Zoom call and is also overseeing her kid’s online classes, while her husband is attending a conference call in another room.

Covid-19 - A game changer for working women

An associate who works at a top BPO firm has been working at odd hours, as she is juggling between cooking, cleaning, attending work-related calls and ensuring her kids are paying attention to their Online classes, because her husband is huddled up inside his home office, working. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns have resulted in seismic shifts in virtually all aspects of work and life, across the world. It would not be wrong to say that the women have been struggling and juggling to maintain their work-life balance.

NextWealth - Experts in Data Collection. Outsource Data Preparation Services - NextWealth. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. Top Data Enrichment Services Company. NextWealth - Experts in Data Collection. NextWealth - Human Touch to Digital processes for Data Enrichment. Catalogue Management Case Study of NextWealth. Covid Times Story - The power of solidarity and empathy! When COVID-19 came knocking at our doors in the month of February, little did we know that this is going to be a long haul, a very long haul.

Covid Times Story - The power of solidarity and empathy!

As part of the NextWealth leadership team, a few of us were enthusiastically planning our Annual Strategic Offsite scheduled for the first week of March. I remember listing out the top 10 COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for all employees, guided by the WHO site – replacing the friendly official handshake with a strict Namaste! I was indeed greeted with giggles. Incidentally, my sister who was locked down in Hongkong already for a month and a half was aghast at the thought of 50 heads getting together under one roof for the offsite. Not only did the offsite happen, but it also went as planned and even ended on a musical note. Anticipating Rough Times It pays to be a part of a company run by visionary leaders. Tackling the Shift For companies like NextWealth that have operations as the backbone, efficiency has long been a byword.

Stay Safe.Namaste. Covid-19 - A game changer for working women.