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Why Participate In Neuro Rehab Clinical Trial. Use of EMG Machine and EMG Devices in Polysomnography. Stroke: Its Symptoms, Causes And Treatment. When there is a fast loss of brain function because of the disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, then it is called a stroke, which is also known as cerebrovascular accident.

Stroke: Its Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Generally, Stroke is the medical emergency and can lead to permanent neurological disorder complication and even death. In addition to this, it is a brain attack akin to heart attack, happens in the brain. Only quick stroke treatment can save to someone having a stroke. If anyone having a stroke can show plenty of symptoms ranging from unseen difficulty of speaking or moving to paralysis or death. Earlier, doctors were not able to treat the patient immediately, but now a day’s quick treatment is available and lets the treatment of stroke immediately or when it is happening, because identifying stroke and getting immediate is extremely vital. Furthermore, symptoms depend on the area of brain affected.

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