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Les ontologies et la représentation des connaissances. In my previous article, you can see here, I quickly introduced the notion of ontology, but not enough to really know what this can be. So we'll here see more in detail what may be an ontology with a field known as knowledge representation. I recommend before reading this article to read the previous. The representation of knowledge is a system defining a series of classes and a series of properties that connect the classes. You can also see it as an algebra: we have elements which defined operations.

Additional reminder in the field of the Semantic Web, a concept is a class and a relationship corresponds to a property. In my previous article, I left off on the fact that it was possible to search for data based on knowledge. Let's say we have the following assertions: A1: a man makes a game of tennis against his brother; A2: a woman played a game of tennis against his brother's daughter.

With these two assertions, we will try to answer a few queries: This form an ontology. IV - A. IV - B. Paris Sémantique. BauDataWeb: The European Building and Construction Materials Database for the Semantic Web. Le Web sémantique s'étend sur le poste de travail : Web sémantique : quand le Web devient données. Reposant pourtant sur une architecture 100% Web, comme nous avons pu le voir dans notre dossier, le Web sémantique et les technologies qui le motorisent trouvent des débouchés au sein d’environnements moins distribués.

Si l’ontologie peut notamment être utilisée pour décrire des processus métiers dans les entreprises, pour orchestrer l’automatisation de la gestion de la connaissance, à un degré moindre, on peut également retrouver le principe sur le poste de travail. C’est notamment le cas avec le projet Nepomuk (pour Networked Environment for Personal Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge). Un projet de longue date auquel Mandriva, auprès de Thalès, SAP, HP et IBM pour ne citer qu’eux, a participé depuis son lancement en 2006. L’éditeur Open Source a publié le premier prototype d’implémentation Nepomuk avec la version 2010 de sa distribution Linux (Mandriva 2010, donc au sein du bureau KDE). Agreement between DCMI and the FOAF Project.

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is an open organization, incorporated in Singapore as a public, not-for-profit Company limited by Guarantee (registration number 200823602C), engaged in the development of interoperable metadata standards that support a broad range of purposes and business models. DCMI is the maintenance organization for the vocabulary DCMI Metadata Terms.

The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Project aims at creating a Web of machine-readable pages describing people, the links between them, and the things they create and do, using an open, decentralized technology for connecting social Web sites and the people they describe. The FOAF Project is the maintenance organization for the FOAF Vocabulary.

Preamble on shared goals The FOAF Vocabulary and DCMI Metadata Terms are often used together in applications, and both are consistently listed among the top vocabularies in the Linked Data space. Specific commitments. La sémantique affine le référencement de produits sur les moteurs. Utiliser des solutions de contextualisation et un système d'agrégation des différentes fiches proposées par les marchands sur un article permet aux moteurs d'afficher des informations plus précises et en temps réel. La croissance de l'offre de produits sur les sites marchands représente un défi pour les moteurs de recherche comme Yahoo! Shopping, Google Product Search ou encore Bing Shopping : ils doivent identifier et référencer toujours plus d'articles dans leur base.

Or les fiches produites n'ont pas forcément le même niveau de détails en fonction de chaque site marchand. Pour répondre à ce problème qui limite souvent la mise à jour en temps réel des données sur les moteurs de recherche, des chercheurs américains* ont mis en place une méthode automatique basée sur la sémantique, qui récupère les données sur le produit éditées sur chaque site et les structure pour sa propre base. Créer une fiche produit unique Une gestion facilitée du contenu. Evolution Towards Web 3.0: The Semantic Web. Découvrez Fise, un moteur sémantique Open-Source !

L'Europe se dote de son moteur sémantique : Fise. FISE - IKS Project. SparqlImplementations - W3C Wiki. Showcase — HTSQL documentation. HTSQL was created in 2005 to provide an XPath-like HTTP interface to PostgreSQL for client-side XSLT screens and reports. HTSQL found its audience when analysts and researchers bypassed the user interface and started to use URLs directly. The language has evolved since then. What is HTSQL? HTSQL is a comprehensive navigational query language for relational databases and web service gateway. HTSQL is a Web Service On the left is a URL, on the right is what a browser would show. HTSQL is a query language for the web. HTSQL is a Relational Database Gateway SELECT "school". " On the left is an HTSQL query, on the right is SQL it is translated to.

HTSQL wraps your existing existing relational database, transparently handling SQL complexities for you. HTSQL is an Advanced Query Language SELECT "school". " HTSQL is a Communication Tool On the left is a business inquiry, on the right is the HTSQL translation. HTSQL is a Python Library Our Philosophy Accessible Transparent Rigorous <? 10 Rules for Succeeding in a Web 3.0 World. Reid Hoffman Previous Internet Eras Web 1.0 - Web 1.0 was an era of low bandwidth. It was a time when users would search for files and bring them back to the desktop. Users then surfed the Internet as unidentified hobbyists. Web 2.0 - In Web 2.0, everyone's presence online became more personalized and authentic. Defining Web 3.0 Web 3.0 has been described in many ways, but Hoffman believes that the next generation of the Web is all about data. Barriers to Web 3.0 Privacy - With the accumulation of data and evolution of media, many questions rise around the issue of who owns and has access to data.

Data Management - Two important rules: first, never ambush users and second, not all data is created equal. The Future As a Brave New World Hoffman used LinkedIn Skills as an example of how leveraging data can improve user experience. 10 Rules For Succeeding In a Web 3.0 World 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Marketing Takeaway Do you agree with Hoffman's vision of Web 3.0? Photo Credit: Joi.

Example.php - Sparql Query Builder. SPARQL, comment illuminer vos mashups en consommant les données du Linked Data ? Open W3C-standards like SKOS provide a great chance to combine corporate information with Internet-based resources - PoolParty. Dr. Horst Baumgarten has worked for Roche for almost 25 years. He was head of Information Management at Roche Professional Diagnostics for 15 years and has become head of Scientific Information Technologies in 2010. His “mantra” is simple: “I want to support my colleagues at Roche to more easily find the needed information for their daily work”.

Baumgarten is convinced, that the general data access problem can no longer be solved with the help of traditional approaches. Instead, he started to implement semantic technologies at Roche. He is optimistic that these new technologies and concepts will at least lead to a “pain relieve” in finding relevant data almost instantenously. PoolParty Team had the chance to talk with Dr. What is the purpose of your thesaurus project? Simply speaking, making many diverse glossariesA glossary, also known as an idioticon, vocabulary, or clavis, is an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms.

20110307HabilTalk.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Community Network Blogs. After working for 2 ½ years in the research project Aletheia (see my last blog entry), I am now working in the research project CUBIST and will use this blog to inform you about this project. So let me introduce CUBIST with its description from the CUBIST homepage. What is CUBIST about? Constantly growing amounts of data and an emerging trend of incorporating unstructured data into analytics is bringing new challenges to Business Intelligence (BI). Contemporary BI solutions fall short in the following aspects: First, they focus only on structured data and disregard the increasing amount of information hidden in unstructured data. Secondly, BI users dealing with increasingly complex analyses, but the complexity of BI tools becomes the biggest barrier to their success. CUBIST is a visionary approach that leverages Business Intelligence to a new level of precise, meaningful and user-friendly analytics of data.

Are you kidding? Well, yes and no. Some Links Need more information? Adresses URI sympas pour le Web sémantique. Résumé Le cadre de description de ressource (Resource Description Framework), ou RDF, permet aux utilisateurs de décrire des documents web ainsi que des concepts du monde réel — personnes, organisations, thèmes, choses — de façon automatique. La publication de telles descriptions sur le Web crée le Web sémantique(Semantic Web). Les adresses URI (Uniform Resource Identifiers) sont très importantes, en fournissant à la fois le cœur de l'environnement (framework) lui-même et le lien entre RDF et le Web. Ce document présente des directives pour les employer efficacement. Statut de ce document Cette section décrit le statut de ce document à sa publication. Ceci est une note de groupe d'intérêt du W3C fournissant un mode d'emploi expliquant les décisions du groupe Technical Architecture Group (TAG) aux nouveaux venus aux technologies du Web sémantique.

La charte du groupe d'intérêt Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO) échoyait à fin mars 2008. Portée Table des matières 1. 2. 2.1. 3. 1. 2. Placebook – L’analyse géostatistique de Facebook et de votre profil | urbamedia. Le site que nous vous présentons aujourd’hui est une découverte de François, notre correspondant du bassin d’Arcachon, créateur de Cette merveille qui devrait ravir les amateurs de statistiques géolocalisées en temps réel se nomme Placebook et ambitionne de présenter la répartition des utilisateurs du plus célèbre réseau social ainsi qu’une présentation précise de la localisation de l’ensemble de vos amis à l’échelle mondiale. Toutefois, ça fonctionne aussi si vous n’avez que des contacts dans le Loiret. Fruit du travail que l’on imagine acharné des tchèques Zdenek Hynek et Martin Pulicar de, étudiants de l’Université Masaryk pour le concours de création de carte en ligne NACIS, Placebook comporte donc deux volets, aussi intéressants l’un que l’autre.

Ce tour du monde permet d’avoir une vision claire de la répartition des membres du plus grand réseau social à l’échelle de la planète. FeedStitch | Take your jumbled mess of feeds and make them one. Construire une infrastructure numérique pour les SHS : Participer à ISIDORE et à la construction du web de données. Web 3.0: Powering Startups to Become Smartups. If you are a Web-based technology startup focused on the 2.0 version of the Web (a.k.a. Web 2.0), then you are not thinking outside of the box anymore.

The Web is constantly evolving: innovating and implementing new technologies; adapting in a more timely manner to user feedback and needs; redefining the roles of business partners; and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. This is the first article in my four-part series about powering startups to become smartups. You can find the timeline for future installments of my series at the end of this article. If you’re still beating the Web 2.0 drum then you are not thinking outside the box. You’re missing the larger picture and bigger opportunities. The intent of this first installment is to whet your appetite, to give you a broad overview of the criteria and trends that I believe are shaping the next evolution of the Web.

But before we focus on Web 3.0, it’s important to step back and look at why Web 2.0 became boxed in. Web 3.0 ! An Introduction to Linked Data. Seth Grimes's Tweet on the Sandro Hawke's video presentation caught my attention. The presentation, entitled An Introduction to Linked Data, was recorded in June 8, 2010 at the Cambridge Semantic Web Gathering, occurred at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) in Cambridge, MA. Sandro works at World Wide Web Consortium, an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. From a Summary: "Although the first Semantic Web standards are more than ten years old, only recently have we begun to actually see machines sharing data on the Web. The key turning point was the acceptance of the core Linked Data principle, that object identifiers should also work with Web protocols to access useful information.

This talk will cover the basic concepts and techniques of publishing and using Linked Data, assuming some familiarity with programming and the Web. No prior knowledge of Semantic Web technologies is required. " SKOS and OWL 2 are Now Interoperable. In tech news, SKOS has been altered to interoperate with OWL 2. Up until now the two vocabularies haven’t been able to “play together nicely,” but thanks to a few simple tweaks to SKOS, they are now able to operate together smoothly. According to the article, “In the semantic Web, arguably SKOS is the right vocabulary for representing simple knowledge structures, and OWL 2 is the right language for asserting axioms and ontological relationships.

In the early days we chose a reliance on SKOS for the UMBEL reference concept ontology, because of UMBEL’s natural role as a knowledge structure.” Simple changes to SKOS, fully explained in the article, have bridged the gap: “For UMBEL, and we think other vocabularies, the transition to OWL 2 is important for many reasons, including the ‘punning’ of individuals and classes. Other reasons include better handling of annotation properties, a better emerging set of tools, and the use of inference and reasoning engines.” Open LIDS (Linked Data Services) Implementing SPARQL 1.1 Query - first findings. I am currently in the middle of implementing SPARQL 1.1 Query Language into Sesame 2 (code can be found in Sesame's subversion repository, branch 2.4).

The current working draft specifies a number of new features for SPARQL, and I will briefly make some points about the features I have implemented thus far, noting problems I encountered or where the current working draft was unclear to me. 1. Expressions in SELECT This new feature was fairly straightforward to implement, mainly as Sesame already had support for it in its query algebra. I only needed to adapt the parser. 2. Negation In section 8 two additional operators are introduced, both of which can be used to express negation.

The definition of MINUS in SPARQL gave me some headaches, however. In section 8.3 , the difference between NOT EXISTS and MINUS is explained, with a number of examples. 3. 4. There are a number of things unclear in the working draft however, regarding the expected behaviour of aggregate functions. ? SPIN - SPARQL Inferencing Notation. SPIN - SPARQL Syntax. Abstract This document describes the SPIN SPARQL Syntax, an RDF representation of the semantic web query language SPARQL. The SPIN SPARQL Syntax provides an alternative representation of SPARQL queries that goes beyond the textual format. The main benefit of this syntax is that it makes it possible to consistently store SPARQL queries together with the domain model. All resources from the domain model are represented as proper RDF resource references instead of only having them as strings.

Having a triple-based SPARQL representation makes it easier to maintain hybrid models in which RDF/OWL definitions are mixed with SPARQL expressions. Status of This Document SPIN has originally evolved as a specification developed by TopQuadrant. 1 Overview The design of the SPIN SPARQL Syntax was motivated by the need to have a machine-readable notation of SPARQL queries so that they can be stored together with other domain models and ontologies in RDF format. For example, the SPARQL query 2 Expressions ? Data 3.0 (a Manifesto for Platform Agnostic Structured Data) Update 5.

The Federated Enterprise (Using Semantic Technology Standards to Federate Information and to Enable Emergent Analytics) Getting Started with RDF and SPARQL Using 4store and RDF.rb. Le W3C monte au front. Un ascenseur pour vos données. Connect your Conversations - Silentale. OpenAmplify Injects Semantics Into Keyword Targeting Systems. Open Data Protocol. §. Semantic Web Database Platform. Semantic data extractor - QA @ W3C. Does Linked Data need RDF ? Les petites cases | Fourre-tout personnel virtuel de Got.

Socialite - All your social networks in one application. RealTimeSemanticWeb (rtsw)