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Semantic Web

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Introduction to RDFa. RDFa (“Resource Description Framework in attributes”) is having its five minutes of fame: Google is beginning to process RDFa and Microformats as it indexes websites, using the parsed data to enhance the display of search results with “rich snippets.” Yahoo! , meanwhile, has been processing RDFa for about a year.

With these two giants of search on the same trajectory, a new kind of web is closer than ever before. The web is designed to be consumed by humans, and much of the rich, useful information our websites contain, is inaccessible to machines. People can cope with all sorts of variations in layout, spelling, capitalization, color, position, and so on, and still absorb the intended meaning from the page. Machines, on the other hand, need some help. A new kind of web—a semantic web—would be made up of information marked up in such a way that software can also easily understand it. Improved search#section1 Adding machine-friendly data to a web page improves our ability to search.

Yahoo! Get Started. Get started by adding support for microformats to your website, services, and products. introduction Microformats are based on simple markup conventions that enable you to add meaningful structure to your web content. One of the key principles of microformats, is to privilege human readable content. This means that you should think first and foremost of your content design being readable and accessible to web viewers. Using the most appropriate HTML elements and applying structured class names to your markup enables you to produce content that can be clearly understood by a human audience and also used in a structured way by automated programs and other online tools.

But the point is that you shouldn't have to go out of your way to produce such machine friendly markup - microformats make it easy to integrate this greater degree of structure into your websites, without the overhead of having to learn complicated new languages or formats. yourself your website your blog If you have a blog: Oomph: A Microformats Toolkit - Lab - MIX Online. Go Microformats! The crew here at Mix Online believe in Microformats. But don't just believe us: look at the adoption of Microformats in the wild. There are over a billion web pages with content formatted to the hCard specification and nearly 100 million formatted to the hCalendar specification.

Top web properties including Yahoo, LinkedIn, Eventful, Twitter and YouTube are using Microformats. At MIX06, Bill Gates, gave props to Microformats in his keynote: "We need Microformats and to get people to agree on them. Oomph: A Microformat Toolkit With the momentum of Microformats burgeoning, we decided to build Oomph: A Microformat Toolkit. Consume Perhaps the most ambitious aspect of Oomph is the Internet Explorer Add-in and the accompanying cross-browser HTML overlay. Style Because Microformats are based on a standard set of HTML class attributes, styling Microformats with CSS makes a lot of sense.

Create Before you can style or consume Microformats, you need to create them. Shout Outs. A blog about microformats and “data at the edges” : Semantics in HTML part I - Traditional HTML Semantics. This is the first in a series of articles which aims to survey the issue of semantics in current web design and development (for the HTML based web, not the “Semantic Web”). The goals are to further understand the way in which semantics are currently added to today’s web, either “formally” (through the use of “semantic” HTML, or microformats) or less formally, though the use of commonly used design patterns. In this article, I focus a little on precisely what the term “semantics” means, and then turn my attention to the nature of the “built in” semantics in HTML.

Later articles will look at “data” semantics, such as those formalized by the microformats project, and at how pattern languages can help formalize the ad hoc semantics you find by analyzing page and site architecture, which I also spent a lot of time investigating about 12 months ago. Before we get to semantics on the web, let’s take a brief look at the study of semantics is in the field of linguistics. Semantics in structural. Welcome to the microformats wiki! Script Junkie | Meaningful Markup: POSH and Beyond. Back in 1998, I was working as a Marketing Coordinator for an accounting firm.

I was responsible for designing and writing content for our client newsletters, amongst a myriad of other print-focused activities. One day, my boss asked me to take a look at our corporate web site and rework the content. As I went through the editing and re-writing process, I became increasingly interested in what was behind the scenes on the site. A few searches on the internet and I learned of something called HTML. And one fateful day, I opened Notepad and typed: I saved the text file with an .html extension, opened it in Internet Explorer, and was amazed. Twelve years later, markup continues to hold this magical fascination for me.

What saddens me is that not everyone has this commitment to good markup. Sure, I get that there are constraints. Yet most of the people I’ve met who work in the web industry are true professionals. The problem must be a lack of understanding and knowledge. Efficiency. Wiki - Westciv Wiki.