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5 Insanely Successful Video Games That Were Total Ripoffs. No video game is completely original; Mortal Kombat was inspired by Street Fighter II, Halo was inspired by Half-Life and the Super Mario franchise was inspired by massive amounts of hallucinogens.

5 Insanely Successful Video Games That Were Total Ripoffs

But then there are some beloved games that weren't so much "inspired by" other games as they were "the exact game, with a minor paint job. " Those knockoffs then went on to make millions of dollars. #5. Angry Birds Is a Knockoff of a Free Browser Game Via Wired Chances are that everyone reading this has by now played or seen someone else play Angry Birds at least once, or most likely several dozens of times. The 6 Most Mind-Blowing (and Pointless) Gaming Achievements. We've told you before about the guy who managed to get a perfect score at Pac-Man by playing the same level over 200 times for six hours.

The 6 Most Mind-Blowing (and Pointless) Gaming Achievements

You didn't think that was the most extreme example of video game dedication we could find, did you? For you see, real dedication means going past hard mode and thinking way, way outside the box, like ... #6. Building Mind-Bogglingly Huge Objects Inside Games Via Most of you know Minecraft as the last game your friend started playing before he disappeared for a few months. 6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft' About a year ago, I made the statement, "If you ever see me reopen my World of Warcraft account, it means I probably got fired from my job.

6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft'

" Eight months later, I was giving Blizzard my credit card info for the sixth time since its 2004 release. Blizzard had ensnared me with another expansion (though I still have my job, so far). 5 Iconic Characters You Didn't Know Were Rip-Offs. Ah, who can forget that world-changing childhood moment when you first picked up a comic book featuring a truly unique superhero character?

5 Iconic Characters You Didn't Know Were Rip-Offs

Not comic book creators, apparently -- because it turns out they straight-up jacked many of the heroes you know and love from earlier works. 7 Video Game Easter Eggs Designed to Screw With Your Head. Video game Easter eggs come in a variety of flavors.

7 Video Game Easter Eggs Designed to Screw With Your Head

Some are meant to amuse the player, some are meant to creep the hell out of the player and some ... some have no discernible purpose other than making the player go what the actual fuck? These are the latter kind. #7. Silent Hill 2: The Dog Ending Via The Silent Hill franchise is generally recognized as one of the most terrifying game series ever produced. So these games are pretty freaky to begin with, but somehow, a secret ending for Silent Hill 2 managed to make the entire franchise even weirder. 6 Reasons 'Resident Evil' Movies Are Better than the Games. Gamers are naturally suspicious of Hollywood, which processes source material with all the care of a digestive system.

6 Reasons 'Resident Evil' Movies Are Better than the Games

And with similar results. But the Resident Evil movies are the most successful video game movie series ever made, four films earning almost half a billion dollars. Remember that the next time you hear about education funding being cut, because the facts are probably related. The 6 Craziest Ways Creators Hid Themselves in Video Games. 5 Halloween Parties Too Badass to Be Real (That Totally Are) Let's face it, Halloween will never be as cool as it was when you were a kid.

5 Halloween Parties Too Badass to Be Real (That Totally Are)

Yes, as an adult you get the joy of slutty costumes and spending the evening drunk, but it's just not the same. Haunted houses aren't scary, costumes are lame and the parties are just cardboard decorations and people weeping quietly (your experiences there may vary). Well, it turns out you just need to know where to go. There are some places where the true spirit of Halloween lives on in grand fashion ... #5. Easternstate First, let's talk about the Halloween staple, the haunted house. Now allow Pennsylvania to prove you wrong with Terror Behind the Walls. 23 Instructional Signs That Must Exist in Video Game Worlds. 6 Moments That Make Video Games Worth It. Why do we play video games?

6 Moments That Make Video Games Worth It

It has to look like the world's stupidest hobby to somebody who isn't into it, and I don't think the answer I used to give ("Leave me alone, Mom! GOD! ") really holds up anymore. Well, let me give it another try. Because every time a particularly trashy or embarrassing video game appears, I feel the need to defend the medium as worthwhile.

5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over. Coming Soon to a Theater Near You (Unfortunately) 6 Glitches That Accidentally Invented Modern Gaming. A Disgruntled Employee Invents the Easter Egg When most people think of the birth of the action RPG genre, they think of The Legend of Zelda.

6 Glitches That Accidentally Invented Modern Gaming

Link had a forebearer, however, in the form of a 1979 Atari 2600 game simply titled Adventure. It worked pretty much the same way as the early Zelda games: Players picked up items to help them move through dungeons, and slew monsters and dragons. It was a pretty straightforward game, and a relatively popular one at that. Via VideoGameObsession.comIt's because it was so orange. But back in the late 70s and early 80s, Atari was kind of a shitty place to work. The 6 Greatest Video Games We'll Never Get to Play. As I briefly touched on in this article, the one thing common to every gamer I know is that they all have at least one revolutionary, brilliant, perfect and heartbreakingly unrealized "I Have a Game" concept: some combination of elements, some untapped property or some new direction for a sequel that just never got made, but would shake the gaming world to the core if it did.

The 6 Greatest Video Games We'll Never Get to Play

The single greatest tragedy in gaming isn't what that manipulative bitch Peach is doing to poor Mario's heart; it's that, though we will get endless iterations of Call of Battle: Duty Field from now until the heat death of the universe, we'll never see these masterpieces get made. But fuck that noise: This is the Internet. This is where dreams come true, even (hell, especially) the awful ones. Why can't we have these? Indie games have more of a market than ever, talented designers are increasingly going freelance and Kickstarter and similar programs are disseminating funding outside of the old publisher model. . #6. 5 Geek Fantasies You Won't Believe You Can Buy. Fantasy camps have existed for sports lovers for decades -- middle-aged guys can, for a price, play basketball or baseball alongside Hall of Famers and live out all of their jock fantasies that never came true. But there has never been an equivalent for the sci-fi geek or rabid movie lover.

Why the hell can't we pay to, say, experience a real zombie apocalypse, or become a spy?