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The 6 Creepiest Glitches in Famous Video Games (Part 2) If you ask gamers what the scariest video game ever is, they'll probably say something like Silent Hill or Amnesia or Pac-Man (seriously, try to imagine it in first-person view).

The 6 Creepiest Glitches in Famous Video Games (Part 2)

But most of those games are intentionally trying to be scary. The true horror happens when a completely normal game that wanted nothing but to entertain you accidentally becomes corrupted, offering us a glimpse of what hell would look like if it were rendered in video game graphics. Once again, let's look at what happens when video game glitches stop being annoying and start being terrifying. #6. Bethesda Games and Battlefield 3 -- Characters Glitching into Contorted Nightmares Via

The 7 Most Horrifying Moments from Children's Video Games. We know that video games are not, by their nature, strictly for children.

The 7 Most Horrifying Moments from Children's Video Games

They can be extremely violent, very mature and occasionally horrifying to a degree that non-interactive media can never reach. But that's why we have a rating system for them: As a parent, you just pick up a box, check the rating and verify that at least one of the characters is some smart-aleck anthropomorphic bunny rabbit or something, and then you pop that sucker into the nearest Nintendo and go get drunk under a sprinkler for a while, secure in the knowledge that your kids are being entertained in relative psychological safety. But then, hours later, the unnatural, keening screams coming from inside the house rouse you from your drunken stupor, and you realize that you accidentally ruined your children by exposing them to one of these horrifying moments from otherwise kid-friendly video games. #7.

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure Via So peaceful. 7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found. Video game Easter eggs can be a fun way to motivate players to continue exploring a game they've completed ... or they can be terrifying experiences that make sure the players never go near that game again.

7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs You'll Wish Were Never Found

We've told you about those Easter eggs that took years to be found; here are some more that we wish had remained undiscovered. #7. Portal 2 -- Hidden Messages and Rape-y Sounds Portal 2 brought us everything we loved about the first game (portals) and left out everything we hated (cake-related meme horseshit). What it also brought us is a whole bunch of weird secrets, and some of them are downright creepy. Who knew a game about ripping holes in reality could get creepy? For instance, in one of the earlier test chambers of the game, you can find an abandoned room hidden off to the side of the level, much like the abandoned rooms found in the original game. Above: Either a screen grab from Portal, or literally any alley in Philadelphia. Rat Man's DenUm, spoilers? #6. Looking at you. #5. . #4. 6 Japanese Video Games That Will Make Your Head Explode. #3.

6 Japanese Video Games That Will Make Your Head Explode

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest: The Geometric Animal Breeding Game Via Animal Leader was a game developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 console that was so bizarre, they decided they wouldn't even bother trying to sell it outside Japan. However, the game was later picked up and translated by another company for the GameCube, and they renamed it Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest, since it's supposed to be based on the concept of natural selection (if Darwin had been extremely high when he came up with it, or just Japanese).

The game is perfectly summed up by its trailer, where we can see a group of little cube-shaped pigs peacefully playing together ... Japanese pork chops are shaped like Wendy's hamburgers. ... when a larger cube-beast barges in and freaking tears them apart. Seriously, watch the trailer so you can hear the blood-curdling screams of that pig. And then the horrifying silence as its head snaps off. "So leave us alone. Seven hours later ... #2. "Good job. The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles. Video game puzzle designers tread a fine line: If the puzzles are too easy, they're boring, but if they're too hard, nobody will finish the game and you may wind up responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent controllers.

The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles

The key is to make the difficulty of a puzzle come from a logical place so that solving it will make sense to the players, giving them a sense of well-earned accomplishment. But sometimes, the closest thing to a "logical place" that a game designer has is the cubbyhole underneath the toilet that his insane mother kept him in for most of his life. And that's how we get puzzles like these: #6. The Longest Journey's Rubber Ducky Via The Longest Journey is the story of an art student, April Ryan, who saves both her world and a parallel fantasy universe from total annihilation (the fantasy aspect comes from the idea of an art student doing something useful). Early in the game you come across a key stuck on an electrified subway track. Behold! #5.