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‘Missing’ woman unknowingly joins search for herself. Reykjavik, Iceland (Getty Images) A woman who was reported missing from an Icelandic tour unwittingly joined a search for herself.

‘Missing’ woman unknowingly joins search for herself

According to the Reykjavik Grapevine, a woman described as "Asian, about 160cm, in dark clothing and speaks English well" was listed as missing Saturday near the Eldgjá volcanic canyon in southern Iceland. A search continued through the weekend with reports saying she got off a tour bus and never returned. EU and Americas Uprising / WTF!?!? How the world should be. Guy's Opinion. Least I Could Do: the Comic & Comic Archive &October 30th, 2011. When Facebook Users Go Full Retard! (18 Pics)

Facebook is full of it, dumb people and more dumb people. Of course, there are some who are friends with these and never miss a single moment to humiliate them. 1. Pretending. Lamp.

The oatmeal

Cyanide and Happiness. Virtual shackles. Fatawesome. Cracked.