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5 Celebrities Who Get Way More Hate Than They Deserve. Athletes and entertainers don't always have the easiest time of it in the press. That's probably because of sites like this one and jerks like me. See, it's my job to make fun of the things that people want made fun of. But guess what, that doesn't mean I necessarily agree. I'll make a joke about anything if the situation calls for it. But sometimes, believe it or not, I'm only joking. That's as true for "awful" celebrities as it is for anyone or anything else. Here are five celebrities who get way more hate than they deserve. #5. Getty Why All the Hate? Fall Out Boy is routinely held up as an example of the very worst that music in the 2000s had to offer. Why They Don't Deserve It The seething rage that seems to accompany any discussion about Fall Out Boy is in no way related to their music; anyone who claims otherwise is lying to you or themselves.

GettyYour title is safe, Nickelback. So what made people so passionate in their hatred of this particular band above so many others? #4. . #3. 4 Fictional Works People Insist Are Real. People love stories. Movies and books let us escape our own horrible lives for a few hours. Some people love stories a little too much, however, and eventually begin to forget (or even deny) that they are fictional. For example ... #4. 221B Baker Street When Sherlock Holmes isn't faking a British accent with Jude Law in between Iron Man sequels, he hangs out at 221B Baker Street. When the Abbey National Building Society bought the flats at Baker Street, they got so much of Sherlock's mail that they hired a full-time secretary to answer it (presumably Greg Kinnear from Dear God)

. #3. In 1974, director Tobe Hooper created a happy-go-lucky clan of cannibal murderers based on real-life maniac Ed Gein for his film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Texas Prison Museum, not wanting to be left out of the "bizarre things that have a website" club, also has an article on its homepage debunking the myth that Leatherface was ever a prisoner there, or indeed was ever a person who existed. . #2. . #1. 5 Works of Art So Good They Ruined Their Whole Genre. History is filled with influential artists -- people who were so talented, they inspired hordes of others to create. But sometimes an artist creates a work of art so masterful, it simultaneously defines a style while shutting the door on others who would follow.

Sure, people still try, but rarely can they succeed without their attempts being compared, unfavorably, to the masterpieces. GettyThis week, I kept the intro short instead of bitching about people not reading it. Here's a picture of my psychiatrist, who helped me accept things beyond my control, and prescribed me illegal quantities of E. Thanks, Dr. . #5. 2001: A Space Odyssey Creates Profound Cinematic Science Fiction Like No Other In 1968, a year before man even went to the moon (or didn't go to the moon, if you're wearing a tin foil hat right now), Stanley Kubrick delivered 2001. 2001 starts at the dawn of man and jumps to 2001, when man as a species is ready to evolve into Homo superior.

GettyNo. #4. . #3. Getty"Seriously, dude. 7 Movies That Put Insane Detail into Stuff You Never Noticed. We've mentioned before how film directors occasionally go a little bit crazy when it comes to certain minor details, including ones that 99 percent of the audience are never even going to see. A horrifying amount of time and work go into things that will be forever unnoticed by everyone except a few members of the crew. So let's again take a moment to appreciate the awesomely obsessive ... #7. The Lord of the Rings: Each Piece of Armor Has a Backstory For any sci-fi or fantasy film, it's one thing to make the clothing and equipment look authentic onscreen, and another to add layers of detail that are physically impossible to notice, even if each frame of the movie is examined with a magnifying glass.

For instance, in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, when you watched the massive Battle of Helm's Deep and the tens of thousands of bad guys storming the fortress, did you notice the handcrafted chain mail they were wearing? What's that? KropserkelEven that codpiece is Orc-accurate. . #6. 4 Legendary Pranks by Famous Comedians. Office pranks have grown more popular and elaborate since Jim put Dwight's stapler in a Jell-O mold on The Office. Unfortunately, those perpetrated by people who aren't written by Mindy Kaling and Greg Daniels tend to have a hit-to-miss ratio on par with most "humorous" coffee mugs. But there are those rare occasions when people who are funny for a living unleash their comedic sensibilities on the unsuspecting outside world, and the rest of us can only look on in admiration, and think about trying to start a slow clap ... #4.

Trey Parker Introduces Himself to Hollywood in the Most Memorable Way Possible During the first season of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone quickly became two of the most talked about names in Hollywood despite the fact that nobody knew what they looked like. It would be a few months before their faces caught up with them via magazine articles and the limited cinematic release of their first feature film, a cult comedy about the porn industry called Orgazmo. 4 Reality Shows Too Awesome to Actually Exist. #4. Reality Show: The Reality Show In a Nutshell Every week, a bunch of reality TV show editors are handed many, many hours of raw footage and they compete to see who can edit together the most compelling story. If you work in reality TV, you're probably familiar with the term "Frankenbiting," a practice that involves mixing and matching random bits of audio and constructing an entirely new sentence.

The example given in that Time magazine article I just linked to is from a show called The Dating Experiment. One of the contestants wasn't attracted to any of her suitors, which made for bad television. So the crew of the show got her to admit to loving something ("I really love Adam Sandler"), and then removed Sandler's name in editing and swapped it out for the name of the male contestant that the show wanted her to love.

GettySandler was never an option. I've talked to lots of reality show editors, because this is absolutely fascinating to me. Why It Probably Won't Ever Be Made #3. 5 Fan Fiction Sex Scenes You Won't Believe Exist. We assume that the vast majority of you reading this are familiar with the Internet's obsession with fan fiction, where regular people write new adventures involving their favorite characters. And we further assume that you already know that most of these stories involve characters from one series having all kinds of depraved sex with characters from another. So let us once again take a look at some of the most mind-boggling pairings the minds of fan fiction writers have come up with ... #5. Professor Snape from Harry Potter Diddles the Teletubbies The Scenario: The Harry Potter universe is apparently a favorite setting for writers of erotic fan fiction: We've already told you about the steamy stories where Ron Weasley's brothers hook up with Lance Bass from N*Sync and Indiana Jones molests Lord Voldemort.

Spoiler: SNAPE FUCKS TINKY WINKY. "Jesus, I meant stay home and watch TV, what's wrong with you? " Where It Gets Really Creepy: "Oh Dispy, he don't have crotch mouth. . #4. Yep, that one. #3. 6 Ironic Coincidences Behind the Scenes of Famous Movies. Some movies seem to be cursed, while others merely predict the future with creepy accuracy. But then you have the films below, which feature grossly unlikely yet hugely ironic coincidences. What do we mean by that? Well ... #6. Troy -- Brad Pitt Injures His Achilles Tendon While Playing Achilles If you didn't pay attention in biology class and don't follow sports injuries, the Achilles tendon is the thick tendon at the back of your ankle that connects your heel to your calf.

Now, some of you who missed that whole story in school are still familiar with it, thanks to the movie Troy, where a well-oiled Brad Pitt played the role of Achilles. His abs received an executive producer credit. About three-quarters of the way through the film, Pitt's Achilles faces off against the noble Hector, played by Eric Bana, and kills him while his entire family watches, dragging Hector's corpse around the walls of the city just in case any of them missed it (Achilles was a bit of a dick). 4 Horror Movie Villains That Aren't Scaring Us Anymore.

Getty This is a call to action, which is a buzz term that people in offices use that means "get off your ass. " For the sake of the horror film industry as a whole, something needs to be done. Horror, as a genre, is suffering through what film enthusiasts might call "shittiness. " There is a lot of shittiness in horror movies because a lot of horror filmmakers insist on repeating the same thing over and over again.

Well written, well acted and unique horror is hard to come by, and that's sad. But it's not incurable. There are time-honored concepts and tropes all through horror that can still be played with and made into something awesome -- we don't need to see the same Japanese horror movie 15 times in a row. . #4. There's no law that says you need to spend eternity in everlasting peace, but why are all dead people such large-scale cock floggers? Every movie featuring a haunting implicitly admits to life after death, which is a pretty big deal. What Can We Do? #3. 6 Movies That Predicted Disasters With Eerie Accuracy. #3. Wag the Dog Predicts a Sex Scandal and a Convenient Bombing There should be a name for that very specific genre of movie that accidentally satirizes a news story before it even happens.

People tend to think The China Syndrome was playing off of the fears of nuclear power in the wake of the Three Mile Island incident, but the movie actually came out two weeks before. We previous pointed out how Starship Troopers plays like a parody of the War on Terror, even though it came out four years before 9/11. Which brings us to Wag the Dog. Which came out three weeks before Dustin Hoffman was invented.

In Wag the Dog, the president of the United States gets caught trying to sleep with a Girl Scout, so in order to distract the public and the media from the scandal, a political publicist (Robert De Niro) hires a Hollywood producer to stage a fake war with Albania. SodaheadYou might remember him from several episodes of Saturday Night Live. #2. "Forget it, Jake, it's 'ginatown. " #1. 6 Mind Blowing Special Effects You Won't Believe Aren't CGI. Computer generated images are like the foam sets of the present era: 20 years from now, people are going to laugh their asses off at the fact that this stuff looked even remotely real to us.

That's why, as we've mentioned before, there are still filmmakers doing special effects the old-fashioned way -- even if the results are so impressive that you'd never know it's not CGI. There's CGI in Cracked's new Adventures in Jedi School mini-series, but the humor is all a practical effect. #6. Inception -- The Dream Collapsing Inception is one of those movies that could have easily gotten away with doing every single special effect in CGI, because it's full of so many insane moments that we assume half the things in it are computer generated anyway (for example, there's no evidence that Ken Watanabe is a real person).

Like in the scene where water comes rushing in through the windows of the Japanese dream castle while DiCaprio watches: Water: Leonardo DiCaprio's Natural Enemy Since 1997. #5. . #4. 6 Terrible Decisions That Gave Us Great Movie Moments. Remember the awesome scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy shoots the swordsman? Yeah well, the only reason they included that in the movie is that Harrison Ford had the shits -- as we've mentioned before, Ford had dysentery and didn't feel like performing a sword fight like the script called for, so they improvised that joke on the set. Apparently that sort of thing happens in Hollywood all the time: Here are some examples of memorable scenes (or even entire movies) that only happened because something went wrong. (Something went right with Cracked's new Star Wars mini-series. See exactly what by clicking right here.) #6.

The Empire Strikes Back -- Han Solo Was Frozen Because They Didn't Know if Harrison Ford Would Play Him Again The carbonite scene in The Empire Strikes Back is arguably the most iconic moment in the entire movie that doesn't include the words "I am your father. " Princess Leia is there, too. But They Only Included It Because ... #5. And this is what he got: #4. 5 Classic Movies That Seemed Like Terrible Ideas At The Time. The thing about a huge pop-culture phenomenon is that it seems so obvious after the fact. It's impossible to imagine people not going wild for something like Star Wars. But at the time, when the checks were being written and not a single ticket had been sold? Yeah, it was a different story. In fact, a lot of the biggest hits in Hollywood history sounded absolutely ridiculous in concept. So let's start with ... You are an executive at a movie studio.

A young director is coming off a hugely successful movie about teens in 1960s America called Amerian Graffiti. Via"Oh, and he says 'motherfucker' a lot. " Do you write this man a huge check? It Seems Obvious Now ... When it comes to blockbuster movie franchises, Star Wars feels like cheating.

GettyGeorge Lucas: Proof that you don't need the support of a giant studio to sell out. But at the Time ... Actually, even George Lucas didn't really want to make Star Wars. If they'd have only known ... Nope. Pirates of the Caribbean. 5 Famously Terrible Movies (That Actually Don't Suck) There have been lots of articles about big film flops and/or the worst movies ever made. Usually, they're filled with stats about inflated budgets, production problems and crappy box office returns. Or sometimes, they're just long-winded rants about substandard writing, directing and acting, regardless of box office returns.

But over the years, I've noticed that a handful of these movies not only don't suck, but are actually enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, Waterworld, Gigli and Matrix 3 are all as terrible as everyone says, but a "bad" movie's reputation doesn't always go hand in hand with reality. Some of these duds just don't deserve their reputations. Instead, the public had some agenda for hating that far outweighed anything that ever happened on screen. But, again, Waterworld did indeed suck. #5. In 2001, we got to see the third installment of the Jurassic Park series. Why It's Still Good: Jurassic Park III is just a movie about killer dinosaurs!!! Jurassic Park III understood this. 6 Crucial Movie Scenes That Never Made It Out of the Script. There's a saying in Hollywood: "Cut what you love. " No, it's not about cocaine. It means that it doesn't matter how expensive, beautiful or awesome a scene is -- if you can cut it and still have the movie make sense, then cut it.

It's actually pretty common for perfectly good scenes to end up on the cutting room floor simply to shave a few minutes off the total running time or speed up the pace of the movie. Of course, sometimes the movie doesn't make sense without that crucial deleted scene, but we just didn't notice it. Like in ... #6. We've mentioned before how Quentin Tarantino's Hitler-killing epic Inglourious Basterds ties the entire Tarantinoverse together like a fine carpet, but one mystery still remains: Why the hell is the title misspelled?

If that's the case, then he probably shouldn't have put the answer right there in the script, where we can see it. Getty"Alright, it's Marsellus Wallace's soul. The Missing Scene: Note the spelling of "basterd. " To which Donny replies: #5. . #4. 7 Celebrities Who Invented Amazing Things on the Side. 5 Famous Movies That Shamelessly Ripped-Off Obscure Ones. 6 Fictional Places You Won't Believe Actually Exist (Part 2) 6 Absurd Movie Plots You Won't Believe Are Based on Reality. 7 Insane Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies and TV Shows. 5 Celebrities Who Got Famous by Being Obsessed Fan Boys.