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The Value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library. Hegel - getting to know him. Soviet Psychology: Dialectical Logic by Evald Ilyenkov. Hegel by HyperText Home Page. Calling Bullshit — Syllabus. Logistics Course: INFO 198 / BIOL 106B.

Calling Bullshit — Syllabus

University of Washington To be offered: Autumn Quarter 2017 Credit: 3 credits, graded Enrollment: 180 students Instructors: Carl T. Bergstrom and Jevin West Synopsis: Our world is saturated with bullshit. Learn to detect and defuse it. Learning Objectives Our learning objectives are straightforward. Remain vigilant for bullshit contaminating your information diet. We will be astonished if these skills do not turn out to be among the most useful and most broadly applicable of those that you acquire during the course of your college education.

Schedule and readings Each of the lectures will explore one specific facet of bullshit. Lectures Week 1. Harry Frankfurt (1986) On Bullshit. Supplementary readings Week 2. Metyper. Religion Online. Verdad y Método. José Angel García Landa - Notas sobre Verdad y Método de Hans-Georg Gadamer —oOo— (Wahrheit und Methode, 4ª ed.; Tübingen: Mohr, 1975).

Verdad y Método

Spiritual Traditions of China. TORRE DE BABEL EDICIONES - Filosofía - Psicología - Enseñanza. Teoría de la Comunicación. An encyclopedia of philosophy articles written by professional philosophers. Plato. Plato is one of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosophers.


He was the student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, and he wrote in the middle of the fourth century B.C.E. in ancient Greece. Though influenced primarily by Socrates, to the extent that Socrates is usually the main character in many of Plato's writings, he was also influenced by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. There are varying degrees of controversy over which of Plato's works are authentic, and in what order they were written, due to their antiquity and the manner of their preservation through time. Nonetheless, his earliest works are generally regarded as the most reliable of the ancient sources on Socrates, and the character Socrates that we know through these writings is considered to be one of the greatest of the ancient philosophers.

Encyclopedia of Philosophy. TORRE DE BABEL EDICIONES - Filosofía - Psicología - Enseñanza. Historia de la Filosofía-Vocabulario filosófico-Resumen-Ejercicios-Textos. "Por todas partes vengo sin hacer otra cosa que persuadiros a los más jóvenes y a los más viejos de que antes y con más empeño que de vuestros cuerpos os preocupéis de vuestra alma de modo que sea lo mejor posible, y vengo proclamando que la virtud no deriva de la fortuna, sino que, al contrario, de la virtud derivan la fortuna y todos los demás bienes humanos, tanto privados como públicos.

Historia de la Filosofía-Vocabulario filosófico-Resumen-Ejercicios-Textos

" Platón, Apología, 30 a-b "La filosofía es un enorme apetito de transparencia y una resuelta voluntad de mediodía. Su propósito radical es traer a la superficie, declarar, descubrir lo oculto o velado ―en Grecia la filosofía comenzó por llamarse aléteheia, que significa desocultación, revelación o desvelación; en suma, manifestación―. Y manifestar no es sino hablar, lógos. El Basilisco, revista de filosofía / versión digital. Proyecto Filosofía en español / Instituto Juan de Mariana. Nódulo materialista. Fundación Gustavo Bueno /

Portada - Enciclopedia Symploké. Filosofía en la red: Bienvenido a Cibernous, la web de filosofía en español. Resources for the Study of Buddhism. Resources for the Study of Buddhism Compiled by Prof.

Resources for the Study of Buddhism

Ron Epstein Please send all comments, suggestions, and corrections to General BuddhismBuddhism for ChildrenTheravada Buddhist TeachingsMahayana Buddhist Teachings Buddhism and Science See also Ron Epstein's Online Publications. Introductory Reading List A Short Introductory Reading List on Buddhism Links to Online Collections of Buddhist Texts Index of Buddhist Sutras / Suttas in English on the Internet Extensive listing of links to both Mahayana and Theravada materials. Kalavinka Dharma World Includes translations of Mahayana texts and a journal. Access to Insight Extensive materials on the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Online Sutras A collection compiled by the Buddhist Study and Practice group at SUNY Stoneybrook. Mahayana Buddhist Sutras in English Links to various English translations of major Mahayana sutras.

Links to Other Selected Internet Sites Gateways to Buddhism Another extensive site for information about Buddhism. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. PEITHÔ'S WEB. Filosofía. La filosofía occidental ha tenido una profunda influencia y se ha visto profundamente influida por la ciencia, la religión y la política occidentales.[9] [10] Muchos filósofos importantes fueron a la vez grandes científicos, teólogos o políticos, y algunas nociones fundamentales de estas disciplinas todavía son objeto de estudio filosófico.


Esta superposición entre disciplinas se debe a que la filosofía es una disciplina muy amplia. En la actualidad sin embargo y desde el siglo XIX, la mayoría de filósofos han restringido su área de investigación, y se caracterizan por estudiar las cuestiones más fundamentales y generales. Etimología[editar] Busto de Pitágoras, a quien se atribuye la invención de la palabra «filosofía». Según Pitágoras, la vida era comparable a los juegos olímpicos, porque en ellos encontramos tres clases de personas: las que buscan honor y gloria, las que buscan riquezas, y las que simplemente buscan contemplar el espectáculo, los filósofos. Humanistic psychology. Humanistic psychology is a psychological perspective which rose to prominence in the mid-20th century in response to the limitations of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and B.F.

Humanistic psychology

Skinner's behaviorism.[1] With its roots running from Socrates through the Renaissance, this approach emphasizes individuals inherent drive towards self-actualization and creativity. It typically holds that people are inherently good. It adopts a holistic approach to human existence and pays special attention to such phenomena as creativity, free will, and human potential. Web resources on consciousness, philosophy, and such. Web resources related to consciousness, philosophy, and such.

Web resources on consciousness, philosophy, and such

Compiled by David Chalmers Here are a small number of high-quality academic resources on the web that I find useful or interesting. The emphasis is on sites containing real intellectual content. See also my lists of people with online papers in philosophy and of online papers on consciousness. Consciousness resources Philosophy resources. Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Site: Download Great Literary Works in PDF Penn State's Electronic Classics Series Site.