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XSLT cookbook code samples ratings reviews. XSLT2.0新特性体验之一——分组的简化[原创] XSLT, CDATA and disable-output-escaping — Carey Evans. This document elaborates on my ideas about XSLT in response to Kevin Davis’s experiments with Movable Type at Alazanto.

XSLT, CDATA and disable-output-escaping — Carey Evans

Be warned that really understanding this document will require a good knowledge of XML and XSLT, although I have tried to make the explanation and examples as clear as possible. The Problem Kevin has been experimenting with using XSLT to format simple XML output from Movable Type into a complete web page. Originally, he included the data for each weblog entry in a CDATA section containing literal XHTML, in much the same way as many RSS feeds. See the following example, reformatted for clarity: XPath Tutorial. The XSLT/JavaScript Interface in Gecko:Resources - MDC.

The eXtendable Javascript Library (XJL) Xml,XSL,XSLT等技术区 javascript论坛 - powered by 竹笋炒肉: XSL学习笔记(二)