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美味工厂 - 懒人菜谱分享. 耳机/耳塞. 傅盛谈:产品经理就是总经理 - 窝窝Web2.0博客. [转] 马化腾关于产品设计与用户体验的培训_D.M.N. [转] 马化腾关于产品设计与用户体验的培训 昨天听了pony在峰会上的讲座,收获颇丰,晚上回家后把记录的笔记整理了一下,先放上来和大家分享一下。 整理时间较短,如有不周全之处,大家谅解:) 背景:pony是公司的首席体验官、首席产品经理。 这次在产品峰会上pony将自己平时经验的积累与大家交流,体验较细。 这次分享研发管理部,设计中心整理了些材料。 Gt; Film & Animation > The Mummy 3 HD Trailer. InSuggest - website and image recommendations. Yuntaa™ - load it, post it, store it, share it.... Continuing Intermittent Incoherency » How IE Mangles The Design. A lot of hyperbole gets thrown around about how painful IE 6 and 7 make the world of JS development, and so I thought I’d do a bit of cataloging to help those using Dojo understand why it’s built the way it is and indeed, why all JS widget libraries suffer similar design warts. I know the good folks up in Redmond are working hard at delivering something better, but the fact of the matter remains that until they outline when we’re going to get it (and the version after) and how it’s going to be distributed, IE 8 only serves to make the current situation look as shabby as it really is.

Here are but 5 examples of how IE makes your toolkit of choice less elegant than it probably should be. 创业邦-创业者的社区与自媒体. Mr. 6 - 趨勢.創業.網路.生活. Best4c beta, Best for chart, The best online diagram tool on ear. Plaxo. Yahoo Memo: The 'Peanut Butter Manifesto'