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My 2. 疯狂代码. PHP5研究室 - 致力推广国内PHP发展! 15 Things You Can Do Right Now To Help Your. Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win,” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face.

15 Things You Can Do Right Now To Help Your

In fact, it is that day to day grind that pulls down many of us – we go to work, come home exhausted, and often feel as though we’re just spinning our wheels. If you want to get ahead in your career and in your life, you need to start small and look at the immediate things you can do to help out your situation. If you’re sitting out there at your desk, tiredly wondering if there’s something better that you can be doing with your life, start with these fifteen tips that you can start executing immediately that will lead you down a path towards a better career. Make a list of all of the things you did today/this week/this month to help your organization, and file them away. Whenever you have a few spare moments, make a list of all of the things you are actually doing at work. Welcome to Google服务完整清单 - 对牛乱弹琴. 可扩展标记语言(XML)1.0(第二版) W3C 建议 2000年10月6日 本版本: (XHTML 格式,XML 格式,PDF 格式,用不同颜色标示增删改的 XHTML 审阅版) 最新版本: 以前版本: 编者: Tim Bray,Textuality and Netscape <> Jean Paoli,Microsoft <> C.


Eve Maler, Sun Microsystems, Inc. - 第二版 摘要 本文档完整地描述了可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language,XML),它是标准通用标记语言(Standard Generic Markup Language,SGML)的一个子集。 本文档的状态 本文档已由 W3C 组织成员和其他相关各方审阅,并已被组织理事批准为 W3C 建议。 本文档规定了一种用于 World Wide Web 的语法,此语法是通过取一个业已存在并已广泛使用的文本处理国际标准(标准通用标记语言,经增补和更正的 ISO 8879:1986(E))的子集而创建的。 XML 1.0 第二版不是 XML 的一个新版本(1998 年 2 月 10 日首次发表);它只是为了方便读者,并入了第一版勘误表中指出的错误和修改(在 本第二版的勘误表在 请将本文档中的错误报告给。

注: C. 1. 可扩展标记语言,缩写为 XML,描述了一类称为 XML 文件的数据对象,同时也部分地描述了处理这些数据对象的计算机程序的动作。 XML 文件由称为实体的存储单元组成,实体可以包含已析(parsed)数据或未析(unparsed)数据。 [定义:称为 XML 处理器的软件模块用于读取 XML 文件,存取其中的内容和结构。] 1.1 开发者和开发目标 XML 由 XML 工作组(原先的 SGML 编辑审查委员会)开发,此工作组由 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 在 1996 年主持成立。 XML 的设计目标如下: XML 应该可以直接在因特网(Internet)上使用。 在完整保留所有文本和法律注意事项的前提下,本版本的 XML 规范可以自由分发。 1.2 术语 用于描述 XML 文件的术语在此规范的正文中定义。 SOAP Version 1.2. Abstract SOAP 1.2为在一个松散的、分布的环境中使用XML对等地交换结构化的和类型化的信息提供了一个简单且轻量级的机制。

SOAP Version 1.2

这是一个基于XML的协议,同时它由四部分组成: 一个作为描述在消息中的内容以及如何处理消息的信息框架的信封(envelope),一组用于表示应用定义的数据类型的编码规则(encoding rules),一个用于表示远程过程调用和返回的约定以及一个使用底层协议进行消息交换的绑定(binding)约定。 潜在地,SOAP可以与很多其他的协议绑定使用;不过,在本文档中,只定义了SOAP与HTTP已经SOAP与HTTP Extension Framework的绑定。 Status of this Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. This is the first W3C Working Draft of the SOAP version 1.2 specification for review by W3C members and other interested parties. The XML Protocol Protocol Working Group has, in keeping with its charter, produced a set of requirements and usage scenarios that have been published as a Working Draft.

The current name for this specification is SOAP version 1.2, this first Working Draft being based on SOAP/1.1 as per the Working Group's charter (see change log in appendix D ) Comments on this document should be sent to ( public archives ). This is a public W3C Working Draft.