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Firebug Lite. 一种让Firefox3中90%的插件“复活”的办法. JScript Blog : ECMAScript 3 and beyond. Hi Pratap. So you think JavaScript should work consistently across platforms, huh? That's a loaded statement. I mean, this is the JScript blog, right? So you want to fix bugs in JScript, but why now? I mean, most of the bugs in your document have been well-known for years. You forgot to mention a few: -0.7.toFixed(); // What should the answer be? Old bug, since IE4. "Custom properties that shadow [[DontEnum]] properties on Object.prototype are not enumerated using for-in in IE?

" That is partially true. 1) JScript considers a property named "prototype" to be enumerable 2) JScript considers a function's instance property "prototype" to be not enumerable. Function().propertyIsEnumerable("prototype");// JScript says false. The DontEnum bug is a well-known and reported problem since IE4. There's the old FunctionIdentifier bug. JScript will leak a FunctionIdentifier var x; (function initialize(){ x = function x(){} alert('x = '+x); These are old bugs from IE4.

Be honest. Firebug at Michael Sync. Firebug Tutorial : Section 4 – Net, CSS and DOM tabs This is the last post of Firebug tutorial series. I’m going to explain about Net panel, CSS panel and DOM panel in this tutorial. As there are not so much things to say about that, I’m gonna write up about all three panels in one post. #1. Net Panel The Net Panel can be used ... Firebug Tutorial – Script Tab : Javascript Debugging Firebug Tutorial Section 3: Script Tab : Javascript Debugging I’m going to show you how to debug the Javascript code with Firebug in this tutorial. Firebug Tutorial – HTML Tab : Examples Firebug Tutorial Section 2 : HTML Tab – Examples Example 1.1. Firebug Tutorial : HTML tab – Playing with HTML DOM Firebug Tutorial Section 2 : HTML Tab – All about HTML tab Introduction The HTML tab is the second tab of Firebug console that allows you to play with HTML DOM in your browser.

Firebug Tutorial – Using Commandline API in Firebug Firebug 1.1 (beta) jQuery 1.1.4: Faster, More Tests, Ready for 1.2. We’re pleased to announce the latest release of jQuery: jQuery 1.1.4. Barring any horrible mistakes, this release will be the last of the 1.1.x branch – leading us up to the release of jQuery 1.2 in September. You can download the release from the jQuery Google Code page: Download: Improvements A number of improvements have gone into this release, in addition to all of the normal bug fixes. Any Name jQuery jQuery has taken a big step to become the first major JavaScript library completely capable of renaming itself. You can now include multiple versions of jQuery, simultaneously, on the same page.You can now embed jQuery into the namespaces of other objects and libraries, for example: // With the Dojo Toolkit dojo.jquery = jQuery.noConflict(true); dojo.jquery("#elem div").slideDown("slow"); // or with Yahoo UI YAHOO.query = jQuery.noConflict(true); YAHOO.query("span.hidden").removeClass("hidden"); Speed Improvements What would a release be without some speed improvements?

$(“#id”) Improvements. Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - MDC. 本文正在翻译中,原文请参考 Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla 简介 当Netscape最初推出Mozilla浏览器的时候, 特别考虑对W3C标准的支持. 所以Mozilla并不对Netscape Navigator 4.x 和微软IE遗留的源码做向后支持. 例如, Mozilla不支持<layer>, 我在后面会进行讨论. 那些像IE4一样, 在W3C标准概念之前开发的浏览器遗留了很多毛病. 在这篇文章里, 我将描述Mozilla的"Quirks Mode". 我还会概括一些非标准的技术. HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 和 XHTML 1.1 层叠式样表 (CSS): CSS Level 1, CSS Level 2.1 和部分 CSS Level 3 文档对象模型 (DOM): DOM Level 1, DOM Level 2 和部分DOM Level 3 Mathematical Markup Language: MathML Version 2.0 可扩展标识语言 (XML): XML 1.0, XML中的名域定义, 将XML文件和式样表连接1.0, Fragment Identifier for XML XSL Transformations: XSLT 1.0 XML Path Language: XPath 1.0 Resource Description Framework: RDF 简单对象访问协议: SOAP 1.1 ECMA-262, revision 3 (JavaScript 1.5): ECMA-262 基本跨浏览器编程技巧 尽管网络标准明确存在, 不同浏览器表现还是不同 (其实, 同一浏览器在不同操作系统上也可能不一样).

在我详细论述Mozilla和IE的不同之前, 我要先讲一下一些关于如何令网络应用程序可以扩展来对今后新的浏览器支持的基本方法. 因为不同浏览器有时针对相同的功能, 使用不同的API, 你经常可以在源码中找到多个用来区分浏览器的if() else()的语句块. 上面的源码是不可扩展的, 所以如果你想让它支持某个新的浏览器, 你必须把所有类似这样的源码块更新. 想消除每有新浏览器就要重新编写的问题, 最简单的方法就是抽取这个功能. 你将更愿意使用: 存取元素 ... Hacking Web 2.0 Applications with Firefox. By Shreeraj Shah Introduction AJAX and interactive web services form the backbone of “web 2.0” applications.

This technological transformation brings about new challenges for security professionals. This article looks at some of the methods, tools and tricks to dissect web 2.0 applications (including Ajax) and discover security holes using Firefox and its plugins. The key learning objectives of this article are to understand the: web 2.0 application architecture and its security concerns.hacking challenges such as discovering hidden calls, crawling issues, and Ajax side logic discovery.discovery of XHR calls with the Firebug tool.simulation of browser event automation with the Chickenfoot plugin.debugging of applications from a security standpoint, using the Firebug debugger.methodical approach to vulnerability detection.

Web 2.0 application overview Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, the browser processes on the left can be divided into the following layers: Web 2.0 assessment challenges. MozBackup - Backup tool for Firefox and Thunderbird. Thunderbird backup, Firefox backup MozBackup is not being developed anymore. There are known issues and there is no time on my side to fix all issues and develop new features. Use MozBackup only on your risk. Thanks for understanding. Source code is available on GitHub. Download This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty.

This software isn't developed by Mozilla Corporation. Latest stable version: 1.5.1 (Changelog), size: 1 MB, PAD file, MD5 Checksums. Older versions you can download from archive. Release notes MozBackup supports these applications: Firefox 1.0 or newer Thunderbird 1.0 or newer Sunbird 0.3 - 0.9 Flock 1.0 - 2.6 Postbox (Express) 1.0 or newer SeaMonkey 1.0a or newer Mozilla Suite 1.7 - 1.7.x Spicebird 0.4 - 0.8 Songbird 1.0 or newer Netscape 7.x, 9.x Wyzo If you have any questions please use support section. Mailing list You can use the official mailing list for announcements of new releases.

An In-depth Look At The Future of Javascript Debugging With Fire. Before Joe’s efforts, we’ve used alert , and we’ve even tried to use the cool-but-cumbersome Venkman . This is a painful process to say the least. It shouldn’t be, and in the future it won’t be–Atleast while using Firefox. Hopefully Joe won’t mind if I elaborate a bit on what you’ll soon be able to do with the new Firebug. Logging to the console Have you ever written anything like this? Alert ( 'width: ' + width + ' height: ' + height ) ; Thats a mess just to annoy you with a dialog box that shows width and height variables that are labeled; Concating strings together is messy, luckily Joe thinks this isn’t ideal as well. Console.log ( 'width: %d height: %d' , width, height ) ; Firebug uses printf -like formatting.

The code above would output something like the image below in your console thats hidden snugly away at the bottom of your browser: You’ll notice that our numbers print out in red signifying they are digits. Printing Arrays Multiple Strings Html Elements Info, Warnings, and Errors. I want a Firefox Extension to ... 200+ common problems solved : 200+ extremely useful firefox extensions that save time and effort. Please subscribe to our rss feed Categories : Advertising | Archive/History | Blogging | Bookmarking | Chat | Clips/Notes/Scrapbook | Customizing/Editing Website Display | Discover | Downloading/Files/FTP | Email/Gmail/Webmail | Financial/Stocks | Google | Internet Explorer/Other Browsers | Images/Graphics/Maps/Video | Links | Managing Extensions | Mouse | Music | PDF | Passwords | Performance/Speed/Tuning | Print | Privacy | Productivity | RSS/Feeds/Livemarks | Search | SEO Search Engine Optimization | Security | Tabs | Text (Copy/Cut/Paste/Spell/Translate) | Weather | Web Development Advertising : I want to ... block ads on webpages : Adblock block ads on webpages : Adblock Plus automatically update adblocker filters : Adblock Filterset.G Updater block Flash ads/content : Flashblock Back to Top of the Page Suggestions/Corrections : Comment in blog : wordpress : I want a Firefox Extension to ...

Blogging : I want to ... Flock.