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Heart-Healthy Foods to Lower Cholesterol. Providing in home care in Montgomery County, MD means paying attention to a senior’s nutritional intake.

Heart-Healthy Foods to Lower Cholesterol

This is especially so when the senior is suffering from certain medical conditions. If the senior has high cholesterol, here are the top foods to serve them to help lower cholesterol: Fresh Fruits and VegetablesFruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. A Comprehensive Guide on Paying for Home Care. Is a renowned provider of in-home care in Montgomery County, MD and we understand how financially straining it can be to seek out the best long-term care solutions for your loved ones.

A Comprehensive Guide on Paying for Home Care

We want to make sure your aging family member is able to live a dignified and independent life at home through quality non-medical care. 5 Reasons to Choose Agency Caregivers over Private Ones. The caregiver selection process can be tricky for first-timers.

5 Reasons to Choose Agency Caregivers over Private Ones

Naturally, we’d want our loved ones to receive care from the most caring and qualified professionals in the field. While it’s never fair to conclude that agency caregivers are generally better than private ones, the following reasons ensure that hiring from an agency is more likely to result in quality care for your elderly or disabled family member and less headaches for you. is a provider of in-home care in Montgomery County, MD that strongly advises you to choose agency caregivers over their freelance counterparts.

Thorough screening.Home care agencies are registered businesses who are all about providing the best care and protecting their reputation. Their efforts to accomplish this are supplemented by the implementation of rigorous screening tests, credentialing and background checks for their applicants. Have you tried hiring either a private caregiver or agency caregiver in the past? Your Quick Guide to Understanding Pediatric Stroke. Do you mean to say that my child can also have a stroke?

Your Quick Guide to Understanding Pediatric Stroke

YES. In fact, pediatric stroke is among the top 10 leading causes of mortality in children. This simply shows why stroke should not be something we should relax about. As providers of home health care in Rockville, Maryland, be ready with pediatric stroke with this guide to understanding: RISK FACTORS Pediatric stroke is very common in children below two years old. Stroke Recovery: Coping Tips for the Family. The striking and sad reality of stroke is that about every four minutes, an American’s life perishes because of it.

Stroke Recovery: Coping Tips for the Family

Their risks of having stroke increases if they’re also presently recovering from it or has an attack in the past. When your loved one suffered from a stroke, it can be an emotionally draining experience for you as the family caregiver. ACTIVITIES YOU CAN DO WHEN MOM OR DAD HAS DEMENTIA. Dementia is a progressive illness that affects about 50 million people around the world.


Since there is no cure for the disease, it is quite challenging to care for those who have it. Over time, family members with dementia will find it hard to remember and understand basic details such as places, names, dates, and people. It is at that stage where communication between mom or dad who has dementia and the care provider becomes difficult. Respite Care: Its Importance and Benefits. Respite care is often misunderstood and there are a lot of negative misconceptions that surround it.

Respite Care: Its Importance and Benefits

Many people associate with being lazy, selfish, or unnecessary. For those who don’t really understand it, it is an extremely undervalued service; on the other hand, those who do understand and use it find that it is something very important for their health – physically, mentally, and emotionally. 3 Smart Tax Tips for Seniors. As you grow older, you start to qualify for a variety of tax benefits that aren’t available to younger contributors.

3 Smart Tax Tips for Seniors

This is particularly true once you turn 50, and especially after you turn 65 years old. , a reputable provider of home health care in Rockville, Maryland, offers the following tips to help seniors and retirees save money on taxes. Don’t forget to withdraw your required minimum distributionsMake sure to take your required minimum distributions. A “required minimum distribution” is a specific amount that the owner of a retirement account must withdraw on an annual basis starting after the age of 70. Forgetting to take the required minimum distributions from your retirement account can cost you in the long run. If you miss the withdrawal, you will be subject to not only the taxes, but also a 50% excise penalty on the amount that you were supposed to withdraw, but didn’t. Mental Stimulation Activities for Seniors. While walking or jogging exercises can help strengthen the physical aspect of your senior loved one, other activities can also stimulate their mental prowess and memory.

Mental Stimulation Activities for Seniors

As key providers of in home care in Montgomery County, MD, we help you achieve better memory functioning to your aging family member with the following brain-boosting activities: Word PuzzlesThe goal of word puzzles is to identify a specific word and make these words connect with others in the puzzle. In playing this, the brain will undergo a lot of thinking and analyzing in order to arrive at the correct answer. These activities keep their brain neurons working well so that their memory is also enhanced. How Enough Water Intake Benefits Seniors.

The basic requirement for every person when it comes to water intake is approximately 7 glasses every day, which is about 2.5 liters in total.

How Enough Water Intake Benefits Seniors

These can be served anytime, during meals, in between meals, before and after exercising, and along with other activities. Being a trusted provider of in home care in Montgomery County, MD, we recognize that vital need of hydration for seniors. Hence, we share with you these important reasons to keep them hydrated daily. Improves Brain FunctionWhen your senior loved one is hydrated, they can be able to concentrate well and have a better mood. This is reflected from studies showing that dehydration results in the impairment of important brain functions, including focus and concentration. 3 Fun Activities for Seniors. Share on: Did you know? According to one study, 4 of the top 5 activities most commonly mentioned by seniors as their favorite pastimes were active in nature. Homemaking Support. Homemaking Services That Make a Difference Did you know that some seniors have been moved into assisted care facilities and nursing homes, not because they needed medical care, but simply because they were unable to perform daily household tasks?

Yes, aging can be tough, especially if accompanied by an illness or injury. If you have noticed that your elderly parent or any other relative has been neglecting his/her environs, this can be a wakeup call for you. When seniors start neglecting their living spaces, chances are that their strength has dwindled to a point where performing tasks that were once simple becomes difficult or even impossible. Records indicate that a staggering number of serious injuries in seniors are acquired when performing household chores such as cleaning, moving, cooking, doing laundry, and more.

Our homemaker services include but are not limited to: Aging in Place: 3 Tips for Success. Share on: If you are like most people, you would like to stay in your own home for as long as you possibly can. Nest & Care, a reliable provider of home health care in Rockville, Maryland, offers the following tips to help you age in place successfully. Consider Your Location First of all, decide exactly where you want to live. Typically, this means staying in your current home. Home Care Services. Expect to receive high-quality home care services that are all aimed toward the betterment of your well-being.

Here at Nest & Care, the excellent customer service given by our knowledgeable and trustworthy staff is enjoyed by clients who are in need of assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) and other kinds of basic support. Since client satisfaction is what we aim to give you, we give our customers the freedom of drafting their own care plans so they will receive assistance that is according to their liking. We are committed to providing them with the top-notch services they deserve. Silent Stroke: What You Need to Know. Share on: Nest & Care, a reputable provider of home care services in Silver Spring, Maryland, lists down some important facts about silent stroke that you need to know.

What is a silent stroke? A silent stroke is a kind of stroke that doesn’t have any outward symptoms commonly associated with symptomatic strokes. Typically, patients are unaware that they have suffered a stroke. However, despite not causing identifiable symptoms, a silent stroke can still cause damage to the brain. Studies also indicate that a silent stroke can increase the probability of more chances of stroke in the future. Who is at risk? Home Care Services. Stroke Myths and Facts  4 Meaningful Ways to Keep Your Family’s Legacy Alive, Generation After Generation. Long-Distance Caregiving: 4 Suggestions for Success. Home Health Care in Rockville, Maryland. Senior Care Quick Guide: Learn to SPOT the Early Onset of Alzheimer’s.

Share on: Alzheimer’s disease is very common in the senior population, and it’s also the most common kind of dementia. Strategies for Affordability: How to Pay for In-Home Care. Share on: The benefits of receiving special care at home have been greatly enjoyed by many persons with disabilities and patients recovering from their illnesses, but also largely by most members of the baby boomer generation.

However, there are costs that come along with this level of care, particularly on the financial aspects. In-Home Care in Montgomery County, MD. 5 Meal Planning And Preparation Tips for Every Older Adult. Share on: Many seniors find themselves having a hard time completing different tasks that were easy to do before. Home Care in Rockville, Maryland. There comes a time when, due to one reason or another, our elderly loved ones demand round-the-clock care. Unfortunately, no matter how much we are willing to be there for them, work and family issues may hinder us to give them the care and attention they require and deserve.

If you are currently facing such a situation with a loved one, our 24-Hour Care program should be able to provide the ideal solution to your predicament. Also known as round-the-clock care, 24-hour care allows seniors, and other individuals who may need the service, to avoid institutionalization and still get to receive the consistent care they need at the comfort of their homes. Why Your Loved Ones Need A Companion At Home. 4 Ways of Preventing Identity Theft in Your Aging Loved Ones. Share on: Identity theft can happen to anyone. 4 General Signs That Tell You Your Aging Loved Ones May Already Need In-Home Care. Seniors’ Safety Checklist: A Guide for Seniors Living at Home. Normal Forgetfulness vs. Dementia: What’s the Difference?

4 Essential Stroke Prevention Tips for Seniors (And Identifying a Stroke by Thinking F-A-S-T) The Family Caregiver: How to Deal with Caregiver Fatigue. Respite Care: How Can It Benefit You? Talking to Your Loved One About the Benefits of In-Home Care. How to Deal with Dementia Behavior Problems: 2 Important Do’s and Don’ts.