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Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. The Great Beyond: Twitter advice for profs: keep it personal. Posted on behalf of Zoe Corbyn. From the night’s television to what the cat dragged in, professors who want to gain credibility with their students should give up tweeting scholarly material and instead concentrate on tweeting social snippets of their lives. At least this is the message from a new study of 120 undergraduate students published in the current issue of the journal Learning, Media and Technology. To test the impact of twitter posts on students perceptions of instructor credibility, communications researchers at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, split participants into three groups showing each different types of tweets – purely scholarly, purely social and a mixture.

They then asked the students to rate the credibility of the three fictional female professors who had tweeted them. “Social tweets are very important to a professor’s credibility – even more so than tweeting about scholarly activities,” said Kirsten Johnson who led the work. Twitter Tools. Social Media Marketing Tools: 11 Best URL Shortening Services. Update! We have a winner. received 26% (88) votes with coming in a close second. Congratulations! URL shortening services were initially popular because web addresses started to get long and links would break when sent in an email.

However, as microblogging services like Twitter have become popular, an increasing number of services and applications, including tracking & metrics, have been added to the basic URL shortening features. Recently I polled followers of @leeodden on Twitter about favorite URL shortening services and received a great response. Thank you to all who responded! I give an honorable mention to Minnesota based from Garrick Van Buren as well. There are others that were suggested like and but I wanted to keep this review to 11. There’s also a great study of URL shortening services in terms of use and popularity on the blog.

I do have a feature request for these services though. What is your favorite URL shortening service? Tiny URL - create a shorter link ® Custom url. Jaquelynn I. R. (NerdyNeuroGirl) Jacqui R (DalhousieGirl) Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers. My Essential Twitter Tools. Find me at jowyang on Twitter Many conversations are shifting to Twitter, this post proves it (network with others, by adding those in the comments).

Twitter is extensible, and many third-party developers are creating tools around the simple data being exported for a variety of unique applications. If you’re using Twitter for personal, corporate use, or to manage the brand of a client, you’ll need the right tools to find and engage the discussions. Here are the tools that I’m using to improve my Twitter experience, note that all of these are using my profile, but you can change to fit your needs. 1) Client: Although I mainly use the browser to see what’s going on (I click on profiles to see what people have said) Twhirl is the most popular client, using adobe air technology.

I should add that I check to see who is replying to me from my mobile phone, and sometimes update from mobile phone. Out of the 6, now 7 tools I listed above, which ones do you use, or are there others you recommend? Twitter Facts: First State of the Twitosphere in France. On this blog I already published several posts with a detailed analysis of the twitosphere in a specific country. From time to time people ask me to have a closer look at their country, e.g. France. The first question in such an analysis is the number of Twitter users in France. Twitter locates 4371 Twitter users in France (Twitter users who explicitely mention France in their location), Twitdir reports 3367 Twitter users.

Based on the location info in the Twitter profiles, I was able to find 6229 Twitter users in France, still active users. History of the Twitter accounts in France The graph below shows the history of the Twitter accounts from France. Private or public 769 Twitter acounts from France or 12% have chosen to keep their updates only available to their friends. Number of following A Twitter user can choose to follow one or more other Twitter accounts, called "following". 997 Twitter accounts from France or 16% do not follow other Twitter users.