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Left-Handedness Loses Its Stigma but Retains Its Mystery - What Made This University Scientist Snap? | Magazine. Life-size Barbie gets real women talking - TODAY People. Amy Bishop, Neuroscientist Turned Killer. Across at Wired, Amy Wallace has a long but riveting article about Amy Bishop, the neuroscience professor who shot her colleagues at the University of Alabama last year, killing three. It's a fascinating article because of the picture it paints of a killer and it's well worth the time to read. Yet it doesn't really answer the question posed in the title: "What Made This University Scientist Snap? " Wallace notes the theory that Bishop snapped because she was denied tenure at the University, a serious blow to anyone's career and especially to someone who, apparantly, believed she was destined for great things.

However, she points out that the timing doesn't fit: Bishop was denied tenure several months before the shooting. And she shot at some of the faculty who voted in her favor, ruling out a simple "revenge" motive. But even if Bishop had snapped the day after she found out about the tenure decision, what would that explain? Amy had said something that upset her father. Does a murderer's crime-scene behaviour echo his... - Independent Neuroblogs.