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James Finnie

Lived in Ft William until 1977 then Dunblane until 1987. Used to be a "Red Lounger" at Stirling University. Worked as a gardener/head gardener for 20 odd years now work in transport. Live in England where I am a councillor in my local town of Ramsey. Have one son and partner.


Eggs - Free Range, Cage Free, Organic, What's the difference? Have you noticed that the egg section is starting to rival the shampoo and drink sections for variety and choice, leaving you to decipher multiple labels and lists of ingredients?

Eggs - Free Range, Cage Free, Organic, What's the difference?

There are free range, cage free, and organic varieties, to mention just a few. What do these terms mean and how do you decide which eggs are best for you and your family? Egg Basics 101 According to a fact sheet compiled by the U.S. History + Archaology. Psychology + Life sciences. Science. SCI FI. Environment. Amazon River. Good Cause/Activist. Blogs. Website creation. Bands. Connections. Help.

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Tools. World News. Internet indexes. One off pages. Misc. Games. Pearltrees videos. Shopping. Images. Literature. Special interest. Research. Philosophy/spirituality.