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WordPress HTTP API - easily GET or POST in WordPress. What to do when Auto-Update Fails. Ahh yeah, WordPress just rolled out another update to version 3.1.1. If you're able to upgrade via the Admin, updating your site(s) should be a piece of cake: just log in, click a few buttons, wait a few minutes, and done. The convenience of automatically updating the WordPress core, plugins, and themes is awesome, but things can go wrong once in awhile and auto-updates can fail. If this happens, getting back on track is a bit tricky, so here's a quick guide to help restore site functionality and ensure a proper update. What an auto-update failure looks like After initiating the auto-update of the WordPress core (say, from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1), the "Update WordPress" screen will begin displaying the status of each step, beginning with these messages: Downloading update from the update...Verifying the unpacked files...Installing the latest version...

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance.Check back in a minute. Check File Permissions. How to Embed Google Talk Chatback on Your WordPress Site for Live Support | WordPress News at Making live chat available on your website is a strategy that has been shown to dramatically increase sales. Customers appreciate the ability to get in touch with you instantly. Google Talk is a great tool for getting chat support added to your website in a matter of minutes. The visitor doesn’t have to have a Google account themselves to chat with you.

Users not signed into their Google accounts will appear as unidentified users. Here’s how you can add the chat badge to your WordPress site. Step 1: Create a Google Talk chatback badge. You must have a Google account in order to make use of the Google Talk chatback badge. Visit: to create your chatback badge. Step 2: Paste the Google Talk code into a Text Widget or other content area. You’ll get a chatback link that looks something like this: Step 3: Test the chat window. Make sure that you’re signed in to your Google account before testing the chat window. WordPress related blogs, 110+ best. Mastering WordPress has a lot of trial and error, and to help you in that process we have compiled a huge list with more than 100 places where you can find the latest WordPress updates, awesome tutorials and download useful freebies. WordPress is certainly of the most popular Open Source Content Management System (CMS). Released by Matt Mullenweg in 2003, this CMS is often utilized as a blog publishing application.

Powered by PHP and MySQL, WordPress offers many features including a plug-in architecture and a great template system. On this showcase, we will include a grand list of top websites where you will be able to find WordPress-related contents, including plugins, tutorials, articles and more resources that will help you improve your WordPress experience. Our top selection To honor this year that’s just beginning, we decided to handpick the most relevant WordPress blogs following different parameters, including PR and Alexa.

WordPress Planet WP Engineer WPCandy Digging Into WordPress. 10 Ways To Integrate Facebook Into WordPress. 26inShare Facebook is the top social networking site these days. It is being used by millions of people already and can bring you a ton of traffic if used the right way. Adding and getting content to/from Facebook can help you take your WordPress community to the next level. Here are 10 ways to take full advantage of Facebook to take your WordPress portal to a whole new level: WP Buy | The WordPress App Store. FAQ — Jetpack. What is Jetpack? Back in the day, there were great features available to users that were not available on self-hosted WordPress installs.

Jetpack is a plugin that connects to and enables awesome features, powered by our cloud infrastructure. What features does it have? Some of these features use the powerful cloud, others are popular features provided for the convenience of not having to install and manage several separate plugin installations. What is required to install Jetpack? Any WordPress site running the latest version of WordPress (or the version before) can install Jetpack just like any other plugin. If you use, you don’t need Jetpack, as its features are already bundled into After you install Jetpack, connect it to with a account.

If you’d like to use Jetpack without connecting it to a account, you can enable the development mode. Who should install Jetpack? Like this: Comprendre les hooks dans Wordpress. Création de site hôtel et restaurant L'hôtellerie est un secteur qui a profondément changé avec l’arrivée d’Internet. Selon les études, en France, entre 70 et 85% des réservations de chambres d'hotel passent par Internet. L'objectif clé de la création d'un site internet d'un hôtel ou d'un restaurant et de son référencement est simple : augmenter le nombre de réservation en direct, sans avoir de commission à donner à un distributeur. Sans site de qualité, ce sont les centrales de réservations qui profite de cette manne avec des commissions allant de 17 à 25 %.

La création d'un site Web de qualité est le seul moyen de récupérer les clients directement. Qu’est ce qu’un site internet de qualité pour un hôtel ? Séduire Le site Internet d'un hôtel doit : donner envie de venirdoit mettre en avant les atouts de votre établissementrefléter fidèlement son ambiance Être visible Un site interne aussi séduisant soit-il n'est utile que s'il est visible et consultable. Offrir un contenu utile.