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Google Halloween Doodle 2011. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in 34 languages - Docs Blog. Last June, we introduced the ability to upload documents into Google Docs using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). OCR analyzes images and PDF files, typically produced by a scanner (or the camera of a mobile phone), extracts text and some formatting and allows you to edit the document in Google Docs. We’ve gotten a lot of feedback on this feature, and one of the biggest requests was to add support for additional languages. Today, we’re happy to announce that we’ve added support for 29 additional character sets, including those used in most European languages, Russian, Chinese Simplified and some other Asian languages.

See the upload page for the full list. How does it work? Hit upload, and we’ll use this information to search for the right characters in your file. We’ll keep adding languages and at the same time will continue to improve speed and accuracy for the existing ones.


Introduction à la programmation d'une extension Google Chro. Le but de ce tutoriel va être de créer une extension pas à pas. La finalité sera un bouton ajouté à Google Chrome qui affichera un popup sous forme d'info-bulle contenant des liens vers 4 favoris sur lesquels on pourra cliquer pour accéder à la page. II-A. Le commencement▲ Sur votre disque dur, créez un répertoire dans lequel vous allez éditer un fichier nommé manifest.json. Name : Son nom (indispensable) version : Son numéro de version (indispensable) description : Sa description (optionnelle) Ces informations seront codées sous cette forme : Pour réaliser des commentaires, il est nécessaire de mettre //, toute la suite de la ligne sera ignorée. Comme on peut le constater, la syntaxe est très simple.

II-B. Une fois le fichier enregistré, allez dans le panneau des extensions de Google Chrome : Ce qui va ouvrir un onglet avec le contenu suivant : En cliquant sur Developer mode, vous accèderez à certaines fonctions aidant au développement d'extension. II-C. II-D. II-E. 35 Google open-source projects that you probably don't know. This text is translation of: 34 projekty Open Source udostępnione przez Google Update: Currently list is longer than 35 projects, during change from Polish to English I have added one new project - and this is why title says 35 instead 34 ;). After updates there are even more! Sorry for your confusion. Google is one of the biggest companies supporting OpenSource movement, they released more than 500 open source projects(most of them are samples showing how to use their API).

List of projects developed at Google and released as opensource (thanks @dobs from reddit) can be displayed also here Text File processing Google CRUSH (Custom Reporting Utilities for SHell) CRUSH is a collection of tools for processing delimited-text data from the command line or in shell scripts. C++ libraries and sources Google Breakpad An open-source multi-platform crash reporting system. Google GFlags The gflags package contains a library that implements commandline flags processing. Google Glog Google PerfTools TopDraw. OS (The Chromium Projects) New site hierarchies display in search results. Google usually shows a green web address, or URL, at the bottom of each search result to let you know where you're headed. Today we're rolling out an improvement that replaces the URL in some search results with a hierarchy showing the precise location of the page on the website. The new display provides valuable context and new navigation options.

The changes are rolling out now and should be available globally in the next few days. Some web addresses help you understand the structure of the site and how the specific page fits into the site hierarchy. For example, consider a search for the biography of Vint Cerf (Google's Internet Evangelist). Often, however, URLs are too long, too short, or too obscure to add useful information.

The URL of this result is "," which doesn't provide much additional information about the site or this result. The new text provides useful information about the page. Download (Chrome OS) Google crée SPDY, un protocole de remplacement pour le HTTP - PC. Le protocole HTTP est à la base du Web depuis une quinzaine d’années environ, et il semble que Google ne s’en satisfasse pas, quand bien même la firme estime qu’il a parfaitement rempli son rôle.

Plusieurs ingénieurs de Mountain View se sont donc attaqués à un projet nommé SPDY (prononcer « speedy ») qui a pour but de remplacer à terme le HTTP. Quelques développeurs seulement travaillent sur SPDY actuellement et ce protocole n’en est encore qu’à ses balbutiements. L’objectif de Google est de le rendre complètement open source car il est évident qu’une technologie propriétaire ferait assez peur comme base du Web. SPDY est un protocole situé au niveau de la couche Application.

Il est donc conçu pour transporter des données entre le serveur et le client Web, autrement dit le navigateur. Comme son nom l’indique, SPDY doit accélérer les opérations communes pour que les pages se chargent le plus rapidement possible. Vincent Hermann. Search. Get a Ninja in Your Google Reader - Google - Lifehacker. Apps Status Dashboard. <div id="aad-nojs">Please enable javascript to see the table containing service performance information.

</div> Apps <div id='aad-nojs'>Please enable JavaScript to see the table containing service performance information. </div> Apps Status Dashboard This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. Products covered by Google Apps Service Level Agreement and Technical Support Service Guidelines: Products not covered by Google Apps Service Level Agreement: RSS Feed All times are shown in your local timezone unless otherwise noted. No Issues Service disruption Service outage Google Home - Privacy - About Google - Support. Home ‎(Chromium Developer Documentation)‎ Specify your canonical. Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results.

It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version. Let's take our old example of a site selling Swedish fish. Imagine that your preferred version of the URL and its content looks like this: However, users (and Googlebot) can access Swedish fish through multiple (not as simple) URLs. Or they have completely identical content, but with different URLs due to things such as a tracking parameters or a session ID: Now, you can simply add this <link> tag to specify your preferred version:

Reader raccourcis clavier. Outils pour webmasters. Translate. Traduction. Google Bookmarks API Guide. My Feeds.