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App or Browser? Depends What Consumers Are Doing. Mobile is more and more a go-to channel to reach consumers. With more than 75% of the US population now subscribing to a mobile phone service, according to eMarketer, and nearly 114 million consumers expected to access the internet via mobile this year, mobile is a no-brainer for marketers. But since many marketers are just launching mobile programs, uncertainties abound, including whether consumers prefer mobile apps or the mobile web. While the debate rages over that question, a Jumptap study of ad requests served over the past year shows a slight lead for the mobile web. But ads served to both the web and mobile apps are growing at a similar rate. A study by Yahoo! And Ipsos presents a different answer to the question of whether consumers prefer apps or the web.

Their findings show that it depends what activity consumers are performing. People overwhelmingly use a mobile browser for shopping, searching and accessing entertainment via their smartphones. Frequentations des applications mobiles - Aout 2011 - OJD. 40 Percent of U.S. Mobile Users Own Smartphones; 40 Percent are Android.

Don Kellogg, Director of Telecom Research and Insights Forty percent of mobile consumers over 18 in the U.S. now have smartphones, according to July 2011 data from Nielsen. Android is the most popular operating system, with 40 percent of mobile consumers reporting they have a smartphone with an Android OS. Apple's iOS is in second place, with 28 percent. Among those who say they are likely to get a new smartphone in the next year, approximately one third say they want their next smartphone to be an iPhone and one third say they want an Android device.

However, among those who say they are usually the first to embrace new technologies, "Innovators" or the earliest of early adopters, Android leads as the "Next Desired Operating System" - 40 percent for Android compared to 32 percent for iOS. (Survey respondents were asked several questions to determine their attitudes toward new technologies.)

For related insights, join us for our free webinar, All About Android on September 15. Observatoire trimestriel des marchés des communications électroniques (services mobiles) en France - 2ème trimestre 2011 - résultats provisoires - Publication le 4 août 2011. Apple Made Twice As Much Profit On Phones As Everybody Else COMBINED.


Les tendances du trafic par device à travers 13 pays couvrant cinq continents. ComScore lance un nouveau service,"Device Essentials", permettre d'avoir des rapports de trafic numérique par dispositif, qui comprend les ordinateurs et les d'autres dispositifs, définis comme les téléphones mobiles, tablettes, les lecteurs de musique, e-lecteurs, consoles de jeux, et d'autres appareils compatibles avec le Web. "Device Essentials" fournit également une visibilité sur le trafic par catégorie de site de contenu par pays avec le type d'appareil.

Dans l'analyse ci-dessous, comScore a examiné les modèles de trafic pour la catégorie de journaux en ligne pour comprendre combien chaque type d'appareil contribue à la circulation de la catégorie totale et par rapport à la consommation de contenu total.


Android. Internet Mobile. Projection.