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Lightroom Tutorials. Photofocus. Photoshop. Never Underestimate the Power of the Eyebrow! The shape and definition of eyebrows can make a huge difference in someone’s appearance. The beauty industry has known this for years and all over the world people pluck, tweeze, tint, shape, brush, and pencil ey...

Common Issues with Vacation Photos We all know that you can set up lighting and work with models to make a photo more interesting, but what happens when you have no control over your environment? That is the case much of the time when you are traveling, you ha... How to Recover Shadow Detail It can be hard to capture detail in both the shadows and highlights of an image because the dynamic range of most cameras is too small. Creating Dust in Photoshop In today’s episode we create dust from scratch in Photoshop using a custom brush. We are giving away a workshop with Phlearn in the Bahamas worth $1,500. Here Are The Secrets of Lens Flare. Correcting Skin Tones Getting your white balance exactly right can be tricky. Popular Photography Magazine | Digital Camera Reviews, Photography Tips, Buying Guide.

Convoy. Bones, mugs & harmony. Heather & Fred's Excellent Adventure on About. PhotoGuides | Photography and Photoshop Guides and Tutorials. Exposure // Exposing amazing photographers. Richard Harrington-Educational Blog. CheesyCam-DIY Video & Photography Projects.