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The different kinds of relationships

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Socionics Romancing Styles. Erotic Attitudes If you are coming from MBTI please note that Socionics assigns j/p letters differently than MBTI. Do not translate your MBTI type directly to Socionics type!!! This will lead to erroneous interpretation of your intertype relations. To read how Socionics differs from MBTI visit the introduction to socionics page. To find out your Socionics type, you can take socionics tests listed on socionics tests and socionics resources threads, read through type and subtype descriptions, find your valued information elements, or make a thread in What's My Type subforum using the questionnaire form for input from other forum members.

If you have questions about socionics intertype relations, you can post your inquiry in the Intertype Relations Subforum, or alternatively inquire about it in the forum chatbox (to access forum chat and read hidden sections of the forum please post an introduction to get your account activated). Related discussions and links: Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types.

Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types The analysis of intertype relations is an integral part of Socionics .

Relations between Psychological ("personality") Types

Just by knowing the Psychological Types of two people allows one to forecast the major developments of their relationship. Socionics intertype relations describe relationship between Psychological Types of people and not between the actual people. This is the reason these relations are called "intertype" relations. People with incompatible Types have more problems with their relationship than people with compatible Types.

Top 4 Socionics Intertype Relations by degree of comfort:(best compatibility for long-term interactions) Use the relationship calculator below to identify which intertype relations exist between which two Psychological Types. These relations are the most favourable and comfortable of all intertype relations providing complete psychological compatibility. These relations are the easiest and quickest to start. Table Complete relationship chart between psychological ("personality") types. Table relations between socionics types. Social auditor - Supervisor/supervisee. Это второй вид ассиметричных отношений в соционе.

Social auditor - Supervisor/supervisee

Ревизор как бы постоянно следит за подревизным, обращая внимание на его слабое место. Создается впечатление, что ревизор постоянно хочет выяснить, что и как делает подревизный. У подревизного часто возникает впечатление, что за ним все время наблюдают, как за подопытным кроликом. Однако это не означает, что ревизор обязательно словесно указывает подревизному на его недостатки. Подревизный внутренне чувствует, что ревизор может сделать это в любой момент и поэтому поначалу находится в его присутствии в некотором напряжении, Ревизор кажется человеком значительным, а то, как он действует, заслуживающим внимания. Гуленко В.В., Молодцов А.В. - Введение в соционику. Illusionary.

General Description of Illusionary Relations Illusionary, or mirage, relations, like semi-duality, are similar to duality in that many of each partners' functions directly correspond to the unconscious expectations of the other.


In relations of semi-duality partners' odd-numbered functions match those of the other person's dual, while in illusionary relations it is the even-numbered functions. That is, partners' use of their 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th functions more or less meets the other's expectations, while the rest are the opposite of what is expected for comfortable interaction. In practice this translates to a perception that the other person can be useful in solving practical issues that arise, but partners do not find each other fascinating — as they do duals or semi-duals — due to an absence of suggestion through their 5th function. Illusionary relations occur between two types, each of which has the others' "hidden agenda" (6th) function as their creative (2nd) function. Activity ( Activity Relations Notes These relations exist between the following types: INTj (LII, Ti-Ne) - ISFp (SEI, Si-Fe) ENTp (ILE, Ne-Ti) - ESFj (ESE, Fe-Si) INFp (IEI, Ni-Fe) - ISTj (LSI, Ti-Se) ENFj (EIE, Fe-Ni) - ESTp (SLE, Se-Ti) INTp (ILI, Ni-Te) - ISFj (ESI, Fi-Se) ENTj (LIE, Te-Ni) - ESFp (SEE, Se-Fi) INFj (EII, Fi-Ne) - ISTp (SLI, Si-Te) ENFp (IEE, Ne-Fi) - ESTj (LSE, Te-Si) Wikisocion - ActivityFull Intertype Relations Chart Related Discussions Descriptions by various authors Valentina Meged, Anatoly Ovcharov At first interaction is invigorating.

Activity (

I.D. These are very favorable relations, although not as much as duality. O.B.