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What the $#@! Is the Internet of Things?! Printing circuit boards at your desk. Squink – which recently hit Kickstarter – allows Makers to create circuit boards from the comforts of their own homes for less than the price of the average iced coffee.

Printing circuit boards at your desk

“Building electronics has always been a compromise between cost, flexibility and time. Squink was created to provide all three, anywhere and to everyone,” a company rep explained on its official Kickstarter page, which has already collected upwards of $55,000 towards their $100,000 goal. Led by Botfactory computer engineer Carlos Ospina, the team says Squink will allow home innovators to “unleash their creativity, test their ideas on the spot, improve them quickly, and use a range of materials to make their circuits.” Squink prints conductive ink on specific material, such as photo paper or glass, enabling Makers to create their own functional circuit boards using conductive ink and glue. According to its Kickstarter page, the company aspires to lower the knowledge threshold required to play with electronics.

Lost Your Job? Do This... Creating an infinity mirror clock with Arduino. In a recent Instructables post, Maker “Dushu” has developed his own version of the infinity mirror that we previously covered on Bits & Pieces.

Creating an infinity mirror clock with Arduino

Embodying true DIY spirit, Dushu put his own stamp on the project, as his rendition also functions as a clock! Gaining inspiration from another Maker’s infinity mirror project, Dushu decided to develop his own and put a unique spin on the concept. His design not only functions as a clock, but using an IR sensor and an Atmel-based Arduino, it can turn off whenever someone approaches, allowing it to function as a conventional mirror. Dushu’s materials list consisted of: A Standalone ArduinoRTC Module – DS1302LM2596 Step Down Adjustable Power Supply Module 1.3V-35V:1m 60LEDs/M Addressable RGB LED Strip (WS2812B):HC-05 Bluetooth moduleIR Proximity Sensor4 IR LEDs; 1 IR LED detector:Touch Pad9V – 2A AdapterCP2102 USB-to-TTL Once the code that enabled the colors of the clock’s hands to be programmed was created, Dushu started assembling his project.

Zakas. 5 tips to make your browsing safe and secure. Najbolji besplatni programi za Windows. Spisak besplatnih programa za Windows koje preporučujem svima je ustvari kao neki interni podsetnik: Šta instalirati na tek instaliranom Windows-u a da je besplatno?

Najbolji besplatni programi za Windows

Desi se ponekada, da mi jednostavno neki program i promakne, a telefon mi nije pri ruci (imam spisak default programa na telefonu kao podsetnik, da ja sam geek-digitronac :) tako da je dobro imati ovako nešto na blogu, a i pomoći će nekome ko još nije kivan niti informisan šta koristiti. I dalje po računarima vidim da ljudi uporno koriste krekovani Nero sa ko zna kakvim virusima ili backdoor-ovima, a imaju sa druge strane odličan besplatan program koji se zove CD Burner XP ili InfraRecorder, ili vidim da ljudi koriste nekakav krekovani DaemonTools a imaju odličan VirtualCloneDrive (mogu ja ovako do sutra)… Video Player: VLC media player Audio Player: AIMP Player Radio Streamer: Screamer Radio Portable.

Marc-lorber/oregano. Print a sweater with the Arduino-powered OpenKnit. TP-Link WR740N WR741ND tutorijali - DD-WRT firmwer, Multiple SSID, WISP Repeater, WDS Station... Tutorijal 5. : WR740N kao dodatni Access Point, Roaming, Izolacija klijenata : Tekst i fotografije pripremio:Majstor Dane Uvod : U prethodnom tutorijalu smo videli prednosti repeater bridge veze među ruterima za proširenje dometa wireless mreže.

TP-Link WR740N WR741ND tutorijali - DD-WRT firmwer, Multiple SSID, WISP Repeater, WDS Station...

Pored očiglednih prednosti, taj tip veze donosi i glavne nedostatke kao što su: - žrtvovanje polovine deklarisanog propusnog opsega rutera zbog dvosmerne komunikacije - nemogućnost roaminga (slobodnog kretanja) između glavnog i dodatnog Access Point-a - dodatni ruter se mora nalaziti u zoni dometa glavnog rutera Svaki repeater mora imati dobru komunikaciju sa glavnim Access Point-om da bi preneo što veći propusni opseg veze ka klijentima na udaljenoj lokaciji. 1. 2. Antene slične ovima na slikama ispod, koje su za unutrašnju montažu (jedna se zavrće na sam ruter a druga ima postolje i produžni kabl) ili kao što je ova za spoljašnju montažu bi došle u obzir kao zamena za fabričku antenu. Konfigurisanje : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Print a sweater with the Arduino-powered OpenKnit. Installation. From DD-WRT Wiki Installing DD-WRT on a router in most cases is almost as simple as installing a program onto your computer.


However, doing it incorrectly can leave you with a router that you have to throw away. Installing programs on a router, known as firmware, are achieved by a method called flashing. This article helps you determine which installation process is for you on your supported router, as well as giving router suggestions and information about flashing each one. [edit] Is Your Router Supported? Please check the router database first: If your router is not listed there, check the wiki page. Полагање стручних испита. Пријављивења се врши попуњавањем електронског обрасца на следећем линку.

Полагање стручних испита

Уколико је започето попуњавање електронске пријаве прекинуто, или уколико је касније кандидату из било ког разлога потребан број пријаве, кандидат може проверити број своје пријаве поновним започињањем попуњавања обрасца. У том случају ће систем опоменути кандидата да већ постоји пријава за исту област и навешће под којим бројем постоји пријава. Приликом попуњавања пријаве кандидат предлаже тему за израду стручног рада. Одштампана пријава и остала непходна документа достављају се Инжењерској комори Србије лично или путем поште на адресу Коморе, Булевар војводе Мишића 37, 11000 Београд. Лична предаја докумената се врши у канцеларији број 1 (писарница) на другом спрату у просторијама Коморе, Булевар војводе Мишића 37, 11000 Београд.