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Metropolis. Kurzschluss. ALL-TIME 100 Movies - TIME. You like us, you really like us. You also hate us. Anyway, you click on us, which is the surest way a website has of measuring interest in its content. The All-TIME 100 Movies feature—compiled by Richard Schickel and me, and handsomely packaged by Josh Macht, Mark Coatney and all the smart folks at—attracted a record-busting 7.8 million page views in its first week, including 3.5 million on May 23rd, its opening daym, in time for Father’s Day. Thousands of readers have written in to cheer or challenge our selections, and thousands more have voted for their own favorites. The response simply underscores Richard’s and my long-held belief that everybody has two jobs: his own and movie critic. The idea was to assemble 100 estimable films since TIME began, with the March 3, 1923 issue.

Not so simple, in fact, for we faced a couple of complications. Why do the list? LISTOMANIA I feel one of my grand gender generalizations coming on, and I can’t resist it, so here goes. Corliss’s Cuts. Downloadseite - Kino Streams, Downloads, Rapidshare « Avant*garde - Die Sendung über das internationale Independent-, Arthouse-, Experimental-, und Trash-Kino. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) NEGATIV - Magazin für Film und Medienkultur.