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Backbone Events vs. Ember Bindings: A Benchmark. Underscore.js. What is the purpose of backbone.js. Thomas Davis. Back to home Backbone.js Tutorial – by noob for noobs The official website describes Backbone.js as a library to supply structure to Javascript heavy web applications.

Thomas Davis

After using Backbone.js for a week I could never see myself building any sort of Javascript functionality regardless of size without using Backbone.js or alternatives. An Introduction to Backbone.js by Ben Gourley. Last week I gave a presentation on Backbone.js to the rest of the developers here at Clock.

An Introduction to Backbone.js by Ben Gourley

The amount of exposure we've had to client side heavy-lifting varies, so the idea was to get everyone on the same page. The other guys found it pretty handy, so I thought I'd write it up here where there's a chance it could be useful to others. Why do we use Backbone?