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Victorian sci-fi

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The First Shared Universes. I am ready to see the whole crossover/continuity/reboot crap end.

The First Shared Universes

Just make good stories, and quit sweating that the crap that happened in Fantastic Four 135 doesn't match what happens in Avengers 443. Just give us good stories. Batman, for instance, the Batman in the justice league shouldn't even be the Batman in Detective comics. Because Batman would be using the hell out of Mother Box and boom tubes. Let alone the damned justice league teleporters . We like the batmobile and him doing badass hang-glider crap in certain contexts, even though in the same week he is teleporting all over the place. S Field Guide to Martians. That movie was and still is awesome!!!

s Field Guide to Martians

Beware the doughnut of destruction! No! You put tab A into slot B! Before Science Fiction: Romances of Science and Scientific Romances. The Worst Science Fiction Novel of the 19th Century. The Disney John Carters That Never Were. A Math-Free Guide to the Math of Alice in Wonderland. It always surprises me whenever someone says that Alice in Wonderland/Through the looking glass was the result of a drug trip.

A Math-Free Guide to the Math of Alice in Wonderland

(More interesting still, most people who say that are usually only familiar with the many, many movie and television versions of the stories. All of which cut out or completely change a huge amount from the books.) However, when you read the books and see how much math, social satire and just creative use of language is in them you realize that a ton of thought when into the stories. This was not the result of an opium haze. And a slight correction; "Time had been the fourth member of their party, but had gotten fed up and walked out. " Where did steampunk come from? If I was to write anything Steampunk, and I have dabbled, here's what I would do.

Where did steampunk come from?

I'd set it in modern day, but have an alternative history where the aeroplane was not invented, WWI and therefore WWII did not happen, and so most of the important developments that have occurred due to those events will not have evolved. But the collective intelligence and the drive to invent, using the technologies that did exist, would still operate at the same level it always has, which would mean we'd have some technologies akin to what we are currently familiar with, just exclusively steam, dirigible, and electricity based. So cars would still exist, but probably be inferior to trains. Film would still exist, but there'd be only primitive television. International travel would be expensive and only via steamship or dirigible, limiting number of passengers and rate of travel. Darius Green, the Boy Who Launched Steampunk.

How a Crappy Unauthorized Sequel Created All of Science Fiction's Main Plot Devices. The 6 Most Important Sci-Fi Ideas (Were Invented by a Hack) The War of the Worlds by H.G.

The 6 Most Important Sci-Fi Ideas (Were Invented by a Hack)

Wells is credited as one of the most influential science fiction books ever written, having introduced ideas like super-advanced aliens coming to Earth and said aliens hating the shit out of us and trying to wipe us out. Even though it was published as a novel all the way back in 1898, it's seen as the blueprint for every alien invasion blockbuster released more than a century later. This article isn't about that book. In the same year, a writer named Garrett P. Serviss crapped out an unauthorized sequel to Wells' book called Edison's Conquest of Mars, in which famed inventor Thomas Edison turns the tables on the aliens from The War of the Worlds by flying to Mars and killing all of them with his revenge boner -- it's the Victorian-era equivalent of shameless straight-to-DVD crapfests like Transmorphers and Titanic II.

Via Gutenberg.orgOh, you thought we were joking about the boner part? The First Lesbian Science Fiction Novel, Published in 1906. The Victorian Hugos: 1885. The Victorian Hugos: 1886. The Victorian Hugos: 1887. The Victorian Hugos: 1888. The Victorian Hugos: 1889. The Victorian Hugos: 1890. The Victorian Hugos: 1891. SExpand For anybody curious, the title image may be from somebody's flickr... but it's a picture (or copy) of "The Picture of Dorian Grey" by Ivan Albright.

The Victorian Hugos: 1891

I remember stumbling upon that painting at the Art Institute in Chicago. The Rocketeer Who Became a 19th Century Obsession. An Appreciation of Lord Bulwer-Lytton. So, I read that Edward Docx article, with no preconception since I had never heard of him before.

An Appreciation of Lord Bulwer-Lytton

[Rant] Man, is that guy a self-absorbed, elitist, pretentious jerk. I don,t like Dan Brown either- his books are all the same and have zero rereading potential. But he has no right to judge the people who read him or to tell them to stop reading him. He also makes a totally stupid, artificial and pretentious between Genre and Litterary writing, with genre stories automatically being inferior because it "has to follow conventions". Jorge Luis Borges (a "literary" writer and a university literature professor) once said, and I paraphrase a bit here, that he never unterstood the term "obligatory reading" - reading should never be obligatory, because reading is a pleasure.

I adhere by this philosophy. [End Rant]