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Reverse Engineering. Guitar Lessons - Learn How to Play Guitar Online. Blues Lead Guitar #1 - Basics. Guitar Messenger – 5 Tech Tools to Maximize Your Practice. September 19th, 2010 by Greg Arney The metronome, invented in 1812, sounded the first four even beats of a new era for music technology.

Guitar Messenger – 5 Tech Tools to Maximize Your Practice

Since the onset of the digital age, recording and performance have changed dramatically. Listeners who are accustomed to hearing the post-human sounds of modern recordings have expectations of music performance which are not based on reality but on technological edits – both live and in the studio. The tech-savvy musician can use the tools available to augment his or her abilities and to practice in ways that were previously impossible. To ensure musical development, it’s important to use these tools but not to lean heavily on them.