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Savory Bacon Cheddar Muffins. I may have a massive sweet tooth, but I am all about the savory breakfast.

Savory Bacon Cheddar Muffins

There is just something about starting your day with something hearty. These muffins are packed full of bacon and bacon drippings with yummy melted cheddar throughout. They are easily frozen for later enjoyment. Just pop in the microwave for about 20 seconds to thaw. I'm personally thinking of using these as part of my Christmas breakfast this year as a little savory to balance out the sweet. You've probably heard a reference or two (or many!) Whole Wheat Banana-Honey-Date Muffins « sweetlifegonehealthy. Whole Wheat Banana-Honey-Date Muffins Posted by Yael on November 2, 2012 · Leave a Comment For months i’ve been exploring the link between sweetness and sensuality.

Whole Wheat Banana-Honey-Date Muffins « sweetlifegonehealthy

Usually people relate chocolate with sensuality…it’s darkness, it’s sleek way of making your mouth surrender to it’s taste… except today i’m not going to explore chocolate. I’m going to explore the way people develop a relationship to food. People can develop committed relationships, obsessive relationships, clingy, neglectful, lustful, and healthy relationships with their food.

Since we are know aware of this connection between our hearts, minds, bodies, and food, we must also acknowledge that our relationship with food is only a healthy relationship in moderation and with good choices. Now, that sounds a little like a good, functional relationship with a person, right? With that being said, I would like to introduce you to the healthiest, sweetest, most delicious muffins in the whole wide world.

Ingredients: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Heart-Healthy Roasted Banana Oat Muffins with Cranberries and Walnuts. Happy 2013!

Heart-Healthy Roasted Banana Oat Muffins with Cranberries and Walnuts

My family and I had our own version of a Christmas Vacation this year that was decidedly more harmonious than the Griswold’s tried so hard to have. We enjoyed the arts, traveled with family, caught up with old friends, enjoyed super-sized sledding, and caught a little sleep on beds that were not our own. Upon returning home after five days on the road, I had a lot of over-ripe bananas to greet me. Some were goners, but six were worth saving and roasting to make these yummy muffins.

The hearts are not a reference to Valentine’s Day, but rather that these muffins are indeed heart healthy. I made this batch, shared some with my Christian Moms group at church, and packaged up the rest in the freezer, so that I can actually practice portion control each morning. To roast the bananas Preheat oven to 350 degrees. While bananas are roasting Place walnuts in a skillet over medium heat and toast, stirring occasionally, for about 8-10 minutes.

Recipe adapted fromBanana Oat Muffins. Apple Lavender Muffins. Apple Lavender Muffins We planted two apple trees on our property here in Umbria a couple of years ago, and last year one tree yielded a few apples while the other tree didn’t produce any.

Apple Lavender Muffins

This year they switched places, and the tree that didn’t yield any apples last year produced so many this year that I worried the poor little tree wouldn’t be able to stand upright for too long. I wasn’t sure the best time to pick the apples but once I started to see one or two drop from the tree on their own I figured it was time to collect my bounty. I picked about 18 large apples off our little tree and wanted to make something special with them. We also trimmed our 50 lavender bushes this past week so I decided to combine the two flavors in these rustic apple muffins I made for our farmhouse guests. Buon Appetito! Apple Lavender Muffins Yield: Makes 12 MuffinsPrep Time: 20 minsCook Time: 25 minss Moist apple muffins with just a hint of lavender.