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Build and implement a single sign-on solution. The anatomy of a WordPress theme. Index.php – home The index file controls what the homepage of your WordPress theme looks like. By default it is a loop that queries and then displays the most recent blog posts, with a link in the bottom to view previous posts. Alternately, you can specify in wp-admin -> settings -> reading to have the home page be a page you created yourself in WordPress. In that case, you specify a different page/URL for the regular blog posts to appear on, and that page is generated by index.php. single.php – individual posts The display of individual posts in your WordPress theme is controlled by a little file called single.php. You can specify if you want sidebars (and which you want), if you want it to look different than the other pages on the site. page.php – individual pages Page.php controls what pages look like.

WordPress also allows you to create different page templates within your WordPress theme for different types of pages. Archive.php, category.php, tag.php – archives The Loop comments.php. Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator - Design for Hackers: Why Monet Never Used Black, & Why You Shouldn’t Either. Monet’s paintings evoke a sense of energy and life, they leap off the canvas with color and contrast, but Monet somehow managed to avoid using the color black for nearly his entire painting career. By avoiding black in your own designs, you can replicate some of this dynamism.

Monet and Other Impressionists Explored Their Medium Even when creating dramatic shadows, Monet avoided black, and instead manipulated the powerful relationships between colors Monet, and other impressionists, experimented obsessively with their medium: paint, some brushes, and a canvas. So just as pixels prohibit the use of Garamond on the web, the characteristics of the impressionists tools shaped their work.

The inherent qualities of oil paint (thick and viscous), paint brushes (just a bunch of hair on a stick), and sometimes the texture of the canvas itself, lent themselves well to paintings being much more – put simply: blurry – than the more realistic paintings that were popular at the time. Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery. In this tutorial we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. The main idea is to have a menu of albums where each item will reveal a horizontal bar with […] View demoDownload source In this tutorial we are going to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation.

We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style. The main idea is to have a menu of albums where each item will reveal a horizontal bar with thumbnails when clicked. When a thumbnail is clicked it will be loaded as a full image preview in the background of the page. The beautiful photos are from Mark Sebastian’s photostream on Flickr. So, let’s get started! The Markup Our HTML is mainly going to consist of a wrapper and the menu list.

Inside of our wrapper we will add the following: The first element is our full preview image. The CSS. Why Users Fill Out Forms Faster With Top Aligned Labels | By anthony on 09/01/10 at 3:48 pm Imagine a user who is really excited about your product or service. They’re ready to sign up, so they go to your form page and start filling out their information. The way you align your labels with your form fields can affect how easy it is for users to fill out the form. Do you want to give users a quick, easy and painless experience or do you want to give them a hassle? If you want to make their experience quick, easy and painless, consider using top aligned labels for your form fields. Top aligned labels are faster and easier to fill out than left or right aligned labels. This is because top aligned labels require half as many visual fixations than left or right aligned labels. The only drawback with top aligned labels is that they can make the form long.

The difference is clear. Shedding Bikes: Programming Culture And Philosophy. By Zed A. Shaw I'm currently working on the last few lessons in Learn Python The Hard Way and I want to include a lesson on general health problems programmers run into during their careers. I find many programmers seem to ignore their body's physical state when they're coding, most likely due to the intense concentration required. I'm hoping other people could benefit by simply understanding a few health related problems programming has almost caused me or caused many other people I know, and how I avoided them. I probably won't put this whole blog post into LPTHW since it's a bit much, but I will make a shorter version of it. In the past I was a top qualified soldier in the US Army, and I have studied many martial arts. First a quick list of martial arts I've studied for various periods of time: Ninjitsu, Aikido, Judo, Muay Thai, Wing Tsung, Capoeira, and Arnis in no particular order.

Hopefully, my experience maintaining my physical health will help you gain some or keep yours. Mercurial (hg) with Dropbox. 11 May 2010 I use Dropbox and Mercurial together so often now, and it’s so freakin’ awesome. But just as I was setting up another repo, I realized that there was a slim possibility that there’s programmers out there who don’t use this trick. So they’re still doing something crazy for source control, like trying to manage an SVN server, or a P4 server, or dealing with “only 1 private repo” restrictions, etc. So… here it is, easy as pie. Or something that’s easy, that isn’t pie. Your Mom, etc. First, sign up for Dropbox. Now, use Mercurial as normal. ~/myproj$ hg init ~/myproj$ hg addremove ~/myproj$ hg commit -m "initial commit" Now you have revisions locally, which is nice enough, but that’s just Mercurial. On the other hand, you didn’t have to worry about servers or making depots, or backup, or other mucking around until you’ve spent at least a few hours on the exciting new “myproj” and you decide you’d rather not lose it.

So, what do you do? The syntax is hg clone <from><to>. Now,