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Navata SCS

Giving one-stop solutions for all the logistic services in Hyderabad, Telangana. Navata SCS's vision is to provide complete high-quality supply chain solutions in tune with the changing needs of the clientele through innovation, state of art infrastructure, and reliable service.

Last Mile Logistics Trends to look out for in 2021. Last Mile Logistics - Trends to look out for in 2021. 4 Years Post GST - Have you relooked into your warehouse planning? Last Mile Logistics - Trends to look out for in 2021. Why are there so many truck accidents in India? How To Solve The Last Mile Problem? By Author: Navata SCSTotal Articles: 1Comment this article The key goal of the last mile distribution is to deliver the package as soon as possible to the customers.

How To Solve The Last Mile Problem?

In the logistics & supply chain sector, the last mile is considered the most critical part. Challenges related to the last mile delivery: Restricted visibility One of the major issues related to the delivery of the last mile is limited visibility. Smooth distribution required. The demand for the next day and the same day of delivery is increasingly growing. Cooperation between the customer and the delivery. It can happen many times that the customer is absent.

These unfavourable situations result in wastage of time and resources. Route enhancement. The primary challenge for a fleet is to ensure efficient delivery in order to make delivery more profitable. order to make delivery more profitable. Loading, unloading, installing. Many packages require specialized unpacking and assembly on delivery. Like, Swipe away tensions with the Inventory Management System. Are you making smart ‘logistics’ decisions? Top 10 features of Warehouse Management Software. Today you are going to discover the Top 10 features of Warehouse Management Software.

Top 10 features of Warehouse Management Software

And this software actually works. In fact: The software has revolutionized every other Old fashioned warehouse on the planet. So if you are a warehouse owner or manager, I hope you get a lot of value from the features in this post. Last Mile Logistics post-COVID. The Covid 19 is going down the history… The Covid 19 is going down the history of mankind.

Last Mile Logistics post-COVID. The Covid 19 is going down the history…

It has changed our lives drastically — from the way we live, work, shop, and even how interact with each other as a species. Like all other industries, the pandemic has spurred a radical change in the supply chain industry as well. And many of these changes are here to stay! In this article, we look at how the pandemic is transforming last-mile logistics. The E-Commerce Boom Ecommerce has already seen a steady incline in the past 2–3 years. A Bain & Company-PRICE survey of 3000 households across income groups and geographies conducted between April and June, revealed about 13% of respondents buying online for the first time, while about 40% buying more online. While people will definitely start going to actual stores post-COVID, the frequency and the footfall in these stores are going to be less compared to the pre-covid numbers.

COVID has made people (even the aged population) accustomed to the convenience of online buying. Health and Safety. Best Logistic Company in Hyderabad. We are a complete logistics solution provider offering custom solutions to suit every businesses unique needs designed to facilitate fast, reliable and cost-efficient supply chain.

Best Logistic Company in Hyderabad

Third Party Logistics Our vast network of vendors combined with industry expertise will enable us to optimize costs and efficiency for your e2e operations including scs planning, distribution, warehousing management, reverse logistics. Consultation We have partnered with experts across the country to provide you the right advice on all sectors of supply chain solutions like warehouse distribution and planning, supply chain technology, resource planning, warehouse design and execution, data analytics and much more. Warehouse & Distribution Planning SCM Technology. Best Supply Chain Solutions in Hyderabad. Last Mile Logistics post-COVID. Take a Sneek-Peek of Navata Supply Chain Solutions. Why should you outsource your logistics functions? How to Choose the Right Warehouse Management Software. The Troublesome Case of Reverse Logistics. The ‘headache’ of reverse logistics has become a bad migraine in the recent years.

The Troublesome Case of Reverse Logistics

Manufacturing today is much more spread out than it was 10 years ago. Different stages of manufacturing are being outsourced to different places, with the final plant just doing the menial job of assembly. Links between service and manufacturing are thus becoming weaker and weaker, increasing the difficulty in reverse returns in case of repairs. This can have adverse effects on stockholding and product being obsolete soon. With the advent of e-commerce, returns are costing supply chains $50 billion each year globally. Logistics companies, like ours, are gearing up for this transformation. Using third party services for reverse logistics is the new norm. 3PL companies are introducing efficient reverse last mile logistics systems that refurbishes a wide range of products within a less time and gets them back to the field after they are examined and reviewed.

Logistics & Warehousing - India.